Notes from today, and reading and blogging for Thursday, April 18

Today we continued our discussion of evaluating information in all formats and why to evaluate, in particular. Slides from today are available here.

On Thursday, April 18 we will discuss writing an academic research paper. Be prepared to work on your research paper draft in class. Please read Badke Ch. 10 and Appendix 1 pp. 196-203. Your blogging assignment is one research journal blog post in response to the following prompt:

Last week we read about and worked on the following:
1.advanced internet searching
2.searching library catalogs
3.searching article databases
What have you learned in these classes thatā€™s new to you? How do you see yourself using your new skills outside of our course?
~Prof. Leonard
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Notes from today 4/11, and assignments for Tuesday 4/16

Today we discussed the evaluation of sources in any format and how to evaluate. Slides from today are available here. In class we crowdsourced criteria for evaluation using and put together a checklist of the best criteria, arriving at the following:

ā€¢Accuracy (is information correct?)


On Tuesday, we will continue our discussion of the evaluation of sources in any format; in particular, why to evaluate. Time permitting we will play an evaluation game. For Tuesday, please read the following 2 articles:

Fister, Barbara. ā€œThe Devil in the Details: Media Representation of ā€˜Ritual Abuseā€™ and Evaluation of Sources.ā€

Grimmelman, James.Ā  ā€œThe Google Dilemma.ā€

Your blogging assignment is a comment: one comment of at least 100 words on one of your classmate’s blog posts, or 2 comments on 2 different posts totaling at least 100 words. The research paper outline is due by the beginning of class. Please get in touch if you have questions about this assignment.

~Prof. L

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Research Blog 3

When doing the annotated bibliography, I would have to say it was a pretty simple task to complete. Finding the sources for my research topic took some time though as there were some sources that did not relate to the topic at all. Library databases are useful in finding specific types of information along with the search options the sites provide. Google Scholar and Google News were also helpful in finding news sources and journals, but some of search results show sources that you would need to pay for. Citing the sources was either done on EasyBib or it was provided by the information source.

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i found last weeks lecture usefull. The information i found in the data base strengthened my topic proposal.

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Journal 3

I am stuck on my annotation bibliography. I have hard time to cite sources even use citeseerx that professor provided to us. I guess have to keep working on it, so I can get partial credit. Ā I found many articles on Google Scholar and library databases. But I prefer to use Google Scholar. It is convienience and provides more relevant article about my topic. I just typed keywords in theĀ search engine bar,Ā and it will pull out tons articles. Ā I have problem to pick the articles. I have to scan every single one to see which articles are most relevant to my topic.

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Resarch journal blog post

When I used the library database from City Tech, it was easier to narrow down my results to specifications once I found the articles, unlike Google Scholar where this has to be done in theĀ beginningĀ of the search. Initially when I began my search, the “smart text searching” didn’t aid in my results. It lead me to a blank page. In a similar way, although Google Scholar doesn’t have any boxes to type in additional search phrases, I did have to use advanced search techniques like truncation and nested searching to find specific articles related to my research. When I typed in the acronym for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the results were not very helpful in my research. I had to write out the entire name. The same issue came up when I was using Google Scholar; the information it displayed to me when I typed in the acronym gave me results of soap operas. When I typed in the full name of the bill it gave me what I was looking for.

-Ricardo Martinez

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Journal Post Three

I used both EBSCO and Google Scholar or well tried to at least and some of the phrases I searched were “print media”,Ā “broadcast media” ,Ā “fair use in reporting”,Ā “creating the news” and “media’s truth”.Ā I didn’t find similarities between the results with the two different search methods, but differences I did find EBSCO didn’t really provide me with accurate articles non of which lead me to something useful for my paper. I feel as though Google scholar is more user friendly because it easily understood my key terms and found some useful articles where as EBSCO didn’t find any it doesn’t understand the natural spoken language or well how I type like Google scholar does in my opinion.

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Research Journal Post 3

When using internet search engines I typed in plagiarism initially, but I would only get definitions. I then had to type in plagiarism cases, or articles about plagiarism. That’s when I started to get information I needed. In the library databases, specifically EBSCO, I typed in plagiarism cases, it brought me to an article about Martin Stone. He was working at a university and had to resign after his commission found that his work is tainted with multiple plagiarisms. The search results are more relevant on the library databases. The search engines give you what you need as well as misleading articles.

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Journal Entry 3

Well completing a search on my research topic I mainly used Google Scholar, Google Engine, and the library database. The keywords that I had used was, privacy, third-party, cookies, social networks and social net*. The differences between an internet search and a library search was that the internet search was much more simpler and was easier to use because it was more understandable to the way we type. Unlike the library database which you had to be very precise and use very relative keywords because typing in what you think could get you no where. The similarities between the 2 is that many of the times you would achieve the goal and actually find exactly the same or more or else something very similar. The thing i liked the mot about used the library database was being able to access information and articles you wouldn’t be about to access on a simple google search unless if the author allows it to be out there for free.

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research journal blog post 3

As for keywords, I used : Copyright, Fair use, Music Copyrights, Trade marks and Copyrights, Copyrights law. As for a search engine, I used Google Scholar because Ā for me it was more effective and easy to use. The only problem I had with it though was the amount of time I spent on it. It just took a lot of my time to choose the right articles or ebooks that were available and a lot more accurate for my research topic. As for library database, I used CQ Researcher. It was also very very easy to work with. You just have to type few keywords and they give a lot of satisfying Ā results. the only bad thing about it is that it is out of date. What I meant by that is that most of the articles that were given to me was an article in the late 90s. I received very few Ā informations that are in the year of 2000 and up. In conclusion, I think both search engine and library database are very useful. It only depends on the way you work if you want to ask me which one is best. Some people think search engines are faster than library database. Some think its the opposite. But personnaly I would use Google scholar if I want to research something related to my topic because its easy for me even if I spend a lot of time finding the right Ā article.

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