Tag Archives: video

Notes from today, and reading/blogging assignments for Wednesday, September 18

Today we discussed non-text media in its many forms and formats. We spent a good deal of time discussing “content, computing, and communications” (from Meikle & Young): how our use of digital media in networked environments is now interactive, yet we have given up some control of our use of these media. We used iTunes as an example several times. If you are curious about Apple’s approach to selling and distributing music and other media should read Steve Jobs Thoughts on Music, written in 2007. Slides from today are available here.

On Wednesday, we discuss alternative print media, both analog and digital. Please read the following three pieces: Wright, The History and Characteristics of Zines (part I only) ; Eland, “Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge, and the Alternative Press,” and Zine World, Zines 101 – A Quick Guide to Zines. Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.

Tina, Hafsa, and Harold are discussion facilitators.

We’re still on for a visit to the Brooklyn College Library’s zine collection on Saturday, September 28 at 2 pm. I’ll collect RSVPs on Wednesday, and I’ll need a final count of participants by Wednesday, 9/25.

~Prof. Leonard