Tag Archives: research paper outline

Reminder about November 6 readings and assignments

I hope you all enjoyed Monday’s discussion on how to evaluate information sources with my colleague Prof. Ian Beilin. On Wednesday, Prof. Maura Smale will lead a discussion on why to evaluate information and facilitate the evaluation game in class. The research paper outline is due by the beginning of class on Wednesday, November 6 as an email attachment to me. Guidelines for the research paper draft are now on the course site. The research paper draft is due on Monday, November 18.

For Wednesday 11/6, please read Fister, The Devil in the Details and Grimmelman, The Google Dilemma (note Download link on that age). Your blogging assignment is to comment on at least one blog post.

~Prof. L

Today’s summary, and assignments and reading for next week

Today we discussed finding articles and other content from library databases. Slides from today area available here. I distributed guidelines for the research paper outline, due Wednesday, November 6. Here are some suggested databases that may be useful as you search for articles on your research topics:

Remember that the annotated bibliography is due by noon on Friday 11/1, emailed to me as an attachment. I’ll be away at a conference next week, but my colleagues Prof. Beilin and Prof. Smale (Monday and Wednesday, respectively) will be teaching those days. Next week we’ll discuss how and why to evaluate information. For Monday, please review the following websites on how to evaluate information:

UC Berkeley Library, Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
Cornell University Libraries, Critically analyzing information sources.

Your blogging assignment is one research journal blog post in response to the following prompt:

Do a search on your research topic in at least one internet search engine and one library database. What words or phrases did you use to search?
What are the similarities and differences between the results of your two searches

~Prof. Leonard