Tag Archives: networked media

Notes from today, and readings & blogging homework for Monday, September 16

Today we discussed the landscape of digital media. The chart of media ownership is worth another look; please review and consider whether these “born digital,” networked, digital media offer alternatives. Do we need alternatives?
Slides from today are available here.

On Monday 9/16 we will discuss non-text media: sound, images, and multimedia. Please read the following:
Meikle & Young, 13-27 (distributed in class or on reserve: HM742 .M45 2012)
Sisario, A Digital Music Option Thrives, Though Quietly,
Brna, Vinyl vs CD/mp3: Insights into Music Formats & the Metaphysics of Our Music
Elton, Love for Labels

(Get help with off-campus access to articles from library databases to access the Elton article.)

Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post. Class discussion facilitators for Monday are Wendy, Ohlynn, and Edwin. Everyone else should visit the course site before class to review the questions they post.

Please let me know if you will be joining us on our visit to the zine collection at the Brooklyn College Library on Saturday, September 28 at 2 pm. I’ll need your RSVP by Wednesday, September 25.

~Prof. L.