Tag Archives: MLA

Notes from today, and reading for Monday 11/18

Today we discussed the rationale for documentation and citation. We broke into groups to discuss Hauptman; we’ll wrap up our discussion of Hauptman on Monday, so be sure to bring the article and any notes you made on your small group discussion & questions that you generated. Slides from today are here.

About blogging amnesty: you can get credit for the blog posts that were due on 11/4 (research journal) and 11/6 (comment) if you post them by 10 a.m. on Friday 11/15. For the research journal blog post, make sure that the title of your post indicates the original due date for the post.

On Monday 11/18 we will continue our discussion of documentation, this time focusing on standards, methods and styles for documenting text and non-text media. Please read Badke, chapter 9 and review the Purdue OWL sections on MLA and APA style.

As I mentioned in class and posted in my last post, the research paper draft is now due by 10 a.m.  on Thursday, November 21, emailed to me as an attachment.

~Prof. Leonard