Tag Archives: information technology

Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for Wednesday, September 11

Today we reviewed Badke, chapters 1 & 8. We discussed various information & communications technology innovations from the timeline of information history. We also discussed the information cycle through which information is created and distributed, better explained in this presentation, which I encourage you to view.

For Wednesday, please read the introduction of Meikle & Young, Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, distributed in class and available on reserve: HM742 .M45 2012. Also read Craig Mod, Post-artifact Books and Publishing. Please view the following 2 videos: Common Craft, Blogs in Plain English and Wikis in Plain English. Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post; please refer to the blogging guidelines or ask me if you have questions about blogging.

~Prof. Leonard