Tag Archives: openlab

Your Zine can be anything you want it to be_HW4

Zine defined as a self published magazine, where typos, improper grammar,  simple unique ideas, any sort of topic, writing styles and so on can be found in these zine publications. Is a style in which we as individuals can publish our creativity, which could be a good thing because we can share same interest with others or even feel freely to express what is going through our minds. What I really liked about zine is that there is no “rules” where I don’t have to worry about my grammer checking, I myself tend to make mistakes. This is just a way of getting something off your chest kind of way, and helpful for the individuals who enjoy writing.

OpenLab events this semester!

The OpenLab kicks off its Fall workshop series today with What is the OpenLab? What can you do there? Why should you use it?
This workshop, designed to introduce students to the OpenLab, will take place TODAY, Thursday, September 6, from 1-2:15 in the library’s small classroom, A441. All students are welcome!