Tag Archives: homework one

Homework 1

While reading Research strategies by William Badke it has taught me about the many different uses of technology and how it has helped us through our daily lives. In chapter one badke talks about how technology has improved. Before there was print it was all in words you had to remeber what others said. the Chinese actually invented the first printing press before the europeans but Europe had revolutionized the press. Myself im wondering, why didnt the Chinese revolutionize this technology. Was it because they were scared or didnt have enough power to do so? Now during Ww1 U.S started using WWW, but it didnt get more advanced until Much later in time. Then comes more of the modern ages such as books and kindles, i never Though techonlogy went from nothing to something. This world has gone from tablets and scrolls to now e-paper.


While reading Research strategies by William Badke it has taught me about the foundation of information and the uses. In chapter one Badke discusses how throughout history information must be expressed and taught for future generation. He talked about how even a simple thing like what plants are edible could help future generation be more secure on what they could eat. Badke also disgust the transformation of the way information is processed, from simply preaching to the printing press to now the www. In chapter eight Badke explains of the pros and cons of the www and how to use it properly. He let’s us know what should be use in a research paper and how to obtain it while giving us ways to use it. Badke also explains the danger of plagiarism and how easy it is to do it and catch it with modern technology.

Chapter 1 (homework 1)

After reading chapter one I’ve come to find we as a nation need to learn how to communicate better. Yeah we spend all of our time chatting on Facebook, acting all cool on Twitter, and even texting our friends but what happened to the simple way of just getting out of the house and experiencing our stories verbally and in person. In the chapter he mentioned that back in the day only source of communication was through talking to one another and passing each story down.

I do have to agree about how we pass information which is completely better then how it used to be. A person that can easily access a computer can get any piece of information just by typing it in on Google. As soon as something cool, interesting, informative, or something completely stupid is quickly uploaded to a computer and spread around quickly.

I believe that our communication should be handled differently, but our way to spread information has improved since the Printing Press and should continue to improve so that our information is accessed even easier then it is today