Tag Archives: databases

Hw Journal 2

Through out these past lectures on how to make a better research process, has been helpful. There is more easier strategies that I have learned in order to evaluate sources in any format, and why is important. The keys for internet searching, l and how to use the settings of ibrary catalogs including other databases. Before taking this course I would use the city tech library catalogs but after the lecture we had in using this kind of source was helpful. I would not use the settings right to better find what I was looking for, which made it stressful to find the close enough information related to my topic. Doing a annotated bibliography was my first experience and I would probably take my time to do outside of this course because I feel the sources included in the research paper are important. Summarizing the sources reminds us more of the topic and helps us stay in topic for our research paper to make sense with proper academic information.

Notes from today, and reading/blogging/writing assignments for November 14

Today we discussed using library databases to find articles. On Wednesday, we will discuss how and why to evaluate sources in any format. Please review the following 2 websites:

UC Berkeley Library, Evaluating Web Pages:  Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
Cornell University Libraries, Critically analyzing information sources.

and read the following 2 articles:

Fister, B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of ritual abuse and evaluation of sources. SIMILE: Studies in Media and Information Literacy Education, 3(2), 1-14.

Grimmelman, J. (2008/2009). The Google dilemma. New York Law School Law Review, 53, 939-950.

Blogging Amnesty: Because there has been confusion about the due dates of reading and blogging assignments, you have until Friday, November 16 to complete the blogging assignment originally due today (November 12). This  blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The annotated bibliography is due on Wednesday, November 14. Please get in touch if you have questions about the assignment.

Slides from today are available here.

CUNY posted more Hurricane Sandy help and information that might help with any questions you have about financial aid, enrollment, and attendance.

~Prof. L.

Notes from today, and reading and blogging homework for Monday, November 12

Today we discussed finding information (books and other media) in library catalogs, including the CUNY catalog and WorldCat As you search for information on your topic, don’t forget about other resources available to you, including those of the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Library systems.Remember that resources in other academic libraries in Brooklyn are available to you via the ALB consortium.

On Monday, November 12 we will discuss finding information in library databases. Please read Badke pp. 94-120, and pay special attention to section 5.9, for further study. Your blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The college has made a plan to make up for the instructional time missed during Hurricane Sandy. Friday, December 21 will be the last day of classes, on which we will finish up the group presentations.

Slides for today are available here.

Please get in touch with any questions you have about the annotated bibliography, which is due on Wednesday, November 14. I will be out of town from tonight through Sunday evening but will make an effort to check email regularly.


~Prof. L.