From reading the 3 links, i have come to a conclusion that all zines are strictly made as a smaller “Mood Board”. Companies always liked to make zines even tho they bring back low profit and most people think its a waste of money. However if presented and showcased correctly a zine can do your campaign a great service but to have a decent zine, you have to look up good examples and really understand a zine’s purpose. In the creative thinking link that was posted i think the author said it best when he stated ” If we are interested in understanding the world, we need to ask serious questions about the institutions that teach us about that world.” That statement can also be related to zine’s in a way where, if someone wanted to make a zine that was worth making then they have to understand why and how a zine works and what people look for in a zine. That is the big difference in between making a Mood board and a real professional looking article that looks like its straight out of a newspaper.
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I don’t think that’s really the case with Zines, Dwayne. First of all companies in the traditional sense do not produce Zines they are mostly made by hobbyist and special interest groups. If you’re trying to turn a profit in this day and age I really don’t think print will do it for you let alone something as esoteric in nature as a Zine? The point of a Zine isn’t to make a profit people just want to get there message out there and whatever form possible. I also personally view Zines as art. I also think you undersold what you quoted. I think the quote is talking about critical thinking and not simply being spoon fed whatever the media gives us.