Homework #9

After reading the article How a Search Engine Works i was surprised to see how many steps it  actually takes to create a search engine. Yahoo, Google and Bing which are just some of the search engines out there make everything so easy for us. Especially now when they track the things we search and give us search results that they believe is what we are looking for. Although sometimes we still spend long hours trying to find what we are really looking for, for the most part they are pretty spot on with the results they give us. But the result you get on the internet are not always and in detail as the ones in the books.

One response to “Homework #9

  1. I agree books do explain more then when you search for the on the internet. It is like the book has been scattered and when searching you have to find all the pages for it to make sense. Plus all that goes into these site are not always what you’re looking for which sucks sometimes.

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