Complexity Behind Search Engines – Destiny Modeste

While readings Liddy’s “How a Search Emgine Works”  I learned alot about the complexity behind search engines. I knew it was a lot of work because I had spoken to an employee of Google before and she had somewhat explained how it worked.  Search engines always give us the easiest and more simple answers when we searched something and I always felt it left with a lot more work to do opposed to helping me out (in terms of doing more work lol). I do appreciate the great amount of work that goes behind creating a search engine and I understand that I too, have to put in more work in searching through all those pages to find more information that will better my papers or what ever I’m looking up in the long run.

-Destiny Modeste

One response to “Complexity Behind Search Engines – Destiny Modeste

  1. i would have to agree, search engines are really usefull, sometimes there less accurate then books but there 20x quicker. espically when doing home work and other stuff. what is your favorite search engine yahoo google bing or all they all the same to you. i prefer google. because it gives me the best answers.

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