Homework #8

After watching the ” A Fair(y) Use Tale” it explains that a person can’t use a article or an idea with out credit till after it enters the public domain. Which can then be accessed by anyone. Now it would have to take a 100 years just to be put into the that domain some also may never enter the domain. I think that a 25 year limit would make more sense or at least to where that information is now a common knowledge amongst people. The thought will ever work especially in this day in age because people are more concerend in making money off anything they possible can instead of information being used freely by the public which all information is intended for. The argument to where you shouldn’t have to give credit to the writer/author shouldn’t be a big deal so a person has to write/type a few more words, that i think should be left as a rule since so many people would just use their ideas instead of their own.

One response to “Homework #8

  1. Hey Harry,
    While reading your blog post, I noticed that I agreed with some of your points of view. For example, as to when you mentioned there should be a 25 year limit on copyright. If there were to be this limit things would be a lot easier and there would probably be more creativity amongst book authors and movie makers, because they could build off the work of the author, possibly creating something new and more entertaining to viewers. It does suck that we live in a time were money is everything, but in a way I can’t blame them because I want the rights to my work for as long as I live. So, this leaves me a little iffy on the subject of copyrighting.

    -Destiny Modeste

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