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Learning Log # 2

I love the lighting in this photo, the shadows are very light and not very overpowering. The way that Cat is centered makes her the subject of the photo, and takes the importance away from the background. I also notice the depth of field in this photo, the background looks very blurry and shallow which places more emphasis on the forefront.

Photoville HW#2- Catherine Vazquez

I enjoyed my first experience at Photoville. It’s good exposure for photographers. You get to show case your work and have people who are into photography look at and ask questions to the photographer about their work. It’s a learning experience to get to know what’s happening in the photos. 


One of the first photographers I had spoken to decorated her create as if you were inside the home of Middle Eastern poverty-stricken home. She was the first create I walked into so I haven’t taken pictures because I was too shy. She had painted the inside of the create and used items, such as a rug, toys from the country and replicated a living room. There wasn’t much in the create because there wouldn’t have been much in their homes. She also had pictures of some of the people she had talked to during her exploration with descriptions who they are with a little item under their picture of something they gave her.


The other photographer I had talk to was Leon Hendrickx, his series is called “Kings and Queens”. He had posed several drag queens with a male interacting with them in a photo. After taking a closer look I realized the two men in the single photo were the same man. He had photo shopped them together as if they were both there at the same time of the shot. It amazed me how seamlessly they were interacting with each other in the photo.


lol lollollol

Sunday I finally got a chance to attend photoville and it  was amazing. I learned so much and i saw one photographer work who i met in person last year summer. The photographer work was hanged up on the crates ( I believe thats what you call them) as soon as you enter from the front. Wayne Lawrence work is very inspirational he had some of his portraits from “Muslims In America” the photos to me showed a story behind everyone faces through their eyes. I actually follow him on Instagram and if you take a look to see his work is portraits are amazing! ( you may even find a pic of me too)  besides his work I also enjoyed another photographer work A FEMALE photographer! She had the chance to visit Africa and take pictures of mothers giving birth all in black and white. I also had the chance to meet her (yes I was fan girl-ing out) it was the highlight of my night ! The pictures was a bit graphic but so peaceful I loved it.

I honestly cant wait for next year

Axel Mendoza Photoville HW#2

Photoville was an experience like no other, something a bit different for the public to attend. Located in Brooklyn Bridge Park in Dumbo, right beneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Dumbo is transformed into an annual photo festival, showcasing hundreds of amazing photographers. They used shipping containers to display every photographers work. Some of the containers were theme decorated, including music from around the world. This was my first time attending this exhibition, even though I only went there for a few hours it was an incredible experience. So many containers to visit, which I didn’t finish checking them all out under two hours, would have liked to know about it years back. This is their seventh consecutive year presenting numerous photographers with different styles. Each of them showing a meaning and theme through their photos. I’ll definitely won’t miss it next year, they had a beer garden and food vendors which I had no idea about.

These photos captured my eyes due to the color pattern. Both pictures have bright and bold colors that are hard to miss. One contains circles, while the other has stripe patterns. Photo one shows two types of color circle patterns. one been a blue dress with white circles laying down on a pattern floor with multiple color circles. The second photo, can be easy spotted by RGB colors. Perhaps the clothing they wear are costumes for a traditional dance ritual.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Iyat Abdelfattah Photoville hw2


Photoville was such a great time and experience. I took my sister along with me and she also enjoyed it. Entering the area I was shocked to see that they turned trailers in to little photo exhibits. The Azraq film school trailer really caught my attention. Since i am middle eastern myself it was nice to see photos that depicted my culture and life for some people right now that most don’t see everyday. Entering the trailer is like entering someones home and you got the feeling of how people lived in different parts of the world.  The first image caught my attention its a photo that they made that its like your looking out the window. The image was an eye opener because its not like your looking at something that would make you happy every morning. It was a home that looked like it was bombed. It shows the rubble and after math of the horrible event.

The second image felt a little homie to me. The grandmother …which i like to believe she is for the fact that she has these arabic/middle-eastern cookies in this plate that is a traditional cookie made on holidays or special occasions. Its something you will always remember your grandmother making.  Even though her living conditions are not a good one she still is thankful and i like to believe happy enough to make a celebratory cookie to probably show good middle-eastern hospitality.

The last image is painting and it was a great representation of people wanting freedom. The person depicted a young person looking through a whole or maybe made it to see anther side of life. Showing who’s really being affected by war.

Iyat Abdelfattah



Photoville is New York City’s free premier photo destination. The festival is a venue built from re purposed shipping containers. Photoville gives you an opportunity to engage with a diverse audience. It’s located at Brooklyn Bridge Park in DUMBO. Its like a photography village with over 65 shipping containers turned into into galleries. Photoville is open to the public all ages and dogs as well making it unlike any other photo festival in the world.

The exhibit that really caught my attention was called “Battles Won”. Presented by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Photo 1: Marines Battle Against The Unknown

Photo: SSgt Dengrier Baez

Location: Jordan. Date: April 21, 2018

The first thing that caught my eye was the green smoke coming towards their direction. The way the photo was taken in motion and the perspective it is in.


Photo 2: Marines Battle Against Obstacles

Photo: LCpl Ginnie Lee

Location: Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Date: January 11, 2018

The Marines are in a Assaultman Course detonate a timber charge during a demolition and explosive training exercise.  As well as for this picture, the explosion takes up a lot of the background giving it a contrast of different colors from the fire which makes the image so powerful.

Photo 3: Marines Battle Against Lawlessness

Photo: GySgt Robert Brown

Location: Gulf of Aden. Date: December 17, 2016

U.S. Marines with Maritime Raid Force, on an inflatable boat to conduct a visit, board, search and seizure mission. I love how the Marines are the main focus in this picture. The colors from the water and the sunset in the background give it a dramatic effect.


Emmanuel DeWalt- Homework 2 Photoville

Photoville is an event that presents work from different photographers in 90 different photography exhibition and outdoor installations. There are visuals both challenging and entertaining all from a diverse group of people that way you get a different feel from each photo exhibition. I had a great experience because this was my very first time going to a photography exhibition and my view of photography was changed. Usually you would just take a picture and maybe find one meaning but this exhibition had photos where there was more than one meaning which made the photos 100 times more interesting. Three photos in particular caught my eye because if their composition, color and exposure.

Photo 1

In this photo where it’s respective exhibition was made took look specifically at the focus of the photo, I really think this photo captured that design. I was interested because the focus on the middle subject a mysterious look almost like you are wondering what it is and what is it going to do. The field of snow gives the photo a nice surrounding.

Photo 2

This was the very first photo that caught my eye because I feel like a different color light gives off a certain emotion and feel to the area. This photo uses a red light and the smoke that gives off a nice nightlife feeling. You might see it as club hours around 9 or 10 o clock. The subject face in the photo is engulfed in the smoke making you curious about who he is.

Photo 3

I have always liked the technique of using long exposures and this photo from the Korean exhibition really takes the cake. It was said that this was the President of Korea where she started to lose face and the long exposure really captures that. It’s like she is split into two and her face is not visible. You can say it’s like she has a split personality and the way she used to be is still there but is starting to ve taken over by other feeling.

Homework 2 Photoville

My experience at Photoville was very exciting but before I start here is a little background story about Photoville it is an outdoor exhibit that shows different photographers and their photography and also different photography movements and what each photo represents. Photoville made me look at photography differently normally I will take a photo and sometimes have no purpose, but going to Photoville it inspired me to take pictures that have more meaning or can tell a story for the audience to see. I have some examples of what I mean and will explain what each picture means from the ones that I did love the best.

The first image below is called, “Crying Girl on A Border” in McCallen, Texas, from the movement called, “Undocumented” by John Moore. Out of all photos, this one captured my eye the most because it is basically what happens currently with this Mexican border being up, the composition in the picture was perfect because you’re looking at the main object which is the child and then you only see the bottom half of the police officer and the mom; I felt like I was there just by looking at the photo because it shows so much emotion and it shows impact on how much a mothers love is cherished.

This is my second favorite image and this is in the movement called “The Evolution of Visual Culture”, this captured my eye because I love images with color. In this image it is straight to the point because it has a plain background to focus on the person and the fruitful colors in the picture the colors are so vivid and even the expression on the models face shows culture based on what he is wearing.The way this photo was edited you will almost think that it was a painting which is also amazing because of how vivid the picture is.

This is just a few of many that I loved, I loved the glasshouse, there was also a interactive part where you can pick up a handful of photos and take pictures with them and a whole bunch of photos will print as well, I had so much fun that I wish I took more pictures of everything, I definitely will be coming back next year and recommend everyone to see these amazing photographs. Photoville definitely inspired me to take more photos with great detail and meaning.