Hw# 1 Krysztof Browko

this photo was taken by Krzysztof Browko, it from a series of photos he took in Italy. one particular reason i choose this photograph and his work specifically is that the photograph seems to be almost painted. Browko seems to be taking a long exposure shot as it seems that the light kind of stays to one side, this is best seen on the right side of the picture as the trees are the only thing that the light hits. Browko seems to enjoy shooting warm colors such as landscapes with red, orange and yellows. Browko also seems to be very fond of neutral colors, gray, black, brown, greens. What i like about Browko’s work is that it seems to capture a scene at its warmest and most comfortable moments.


Homework #1 – Photographer Blog Post – Jennielyn Aquino

This photograph of Iron Man that was taken by a photographer named Michael Muller. This specific photograph caught my attention the most because of so many reasons. One of the reasons was it’s Iron Man and he’s one of my favorite Marvel superheroes. It was nice to see a photograph of Tony Stark. Another reason why this picture caught my attention was that the picture was made with perfect symmetry. Muller uses Tony Stark to fill up the entire frame in the photograph. It’s what caught my attention as well the way he used Tony Stark.

Hw Assignment #1

It was hard to choose a photo from Joey Lawrence. I love them all. They all felt like a movie scene and created emotion with how he composes his photos. In this photo, he used the leading line to catch the viewer’s eye from the flame being low on the left and it increased in size to the right where the people are heading to. Also, the people on the roof of the house leads to the right side of the photo. Lawrence also used the rule of thirds, keeping the most attention on the top right. Overall his work is amazing and made me a huge fan of his.

Amaris Marte Homework Assignment #1

This photography taken by Francesco Gola caught my attention because of the colors of the ocean blends in with the horizon of the sky. The ocean is one my favorite landscaps to see and visit; the serene and colors being represented in this photo makes the depth of the ocean more alive because of the photographer caught this sight. The rule of thirds is being seen here as the linear straight line just above the ocean shows the difference between the sky and the ocean as well as in the back of this shot are the mountains as the clouds start started to cover them. I just love how this photo looks like something off of Google or a pc background since the colors and sky are caught in a slow movement by the shutter speed being able to catch this moment.

Homework #1 – Photographer Blog Post Nikolaos SInopoulos Jr

the reason why I was drawn in by this phot by Michael Muller is more than one reason. The first reason would be that the man in red known in Marvel Comics universe named Deadpool who is by far one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. The second reason would be how that even tho the character is fictional the movie title as we can see represents not only the movie itself but also a holiday in Febuary known as Valentines Day were true love is made. The last reason would be how the portrait of the image is designed in a way to present not one but two things that we all known as for a movie as well as a holiday.

Jason, Homework #1

This photo is taken by Francesco Gola, he was born in Italy. This photo caught my attention because the way ocean is clear with a mixture of the clouds and the sky with the mountain from a far. He also explains how he uses photography to show mental and emotions as way to express himself. I also love the way the ocean is looking and how matches with the sky as well.

Sharif Tyler Homework #1

Adam Pretty

This is a picture taken by a sports photographer named Adam Pretty. I was drawn to this photo because this photo was taken with a fast shutter speed. Photos that are taken with fast shutter speeds interest me because the timing of the picture has to be frame perfect. Also, water always looks amazing in pictures when its suspended in the air. I feel as though Adam Pretty did a good job emphasizing the focal point of the picture, which is obviously the swimmer.

Daisy Xia: Hw#1–Photographer Blog Post

Krzysztof Browko Germany Landscape Photography

I drawn to this photograph because first it gives me this feeling of calm where I feel like its such a peaceful environment and it also gives off this feeling of wonder. This photo seems like its not of this world like it came from one of those magical movie scenes. The bridge made of stone gives it a old timey feel to it. This photo uses horizon line where the sky and the land is equal parts.