Despite all the hectic shit that happened with WPC; all the moving, all the sorting, all the struggle to find members to help, all the cold days when the heater was broken, I managed to finish 95% of Akeem’s Poem Book. It was all ups and downs when it came to scheduling an appointment to meet with the client at WPC, but somehow, I managed to pull through and my goal was met. My goal was to listen to the client, bring his thoughts to life, and making him satisfied with the final product. All of those goals were met. And I got that joyful feeling of “Fuck Yes! I did it!”
It was a definitely a struggle. I had to persuade him to go a different path and show him which method and style is more effective and legible. He was insisting at first, but when I showed him and portrayed what his poems’ imagery was in my point of view, he widened his eyes, saw a bigger picture and was very satisfied.
It was all about trust. I needed to somehow show a stranger/client my skills in design and also show him what potential their work can have to its audience/target. I managed to do the most part of it, the only that was left was the minor things, like the copyright and some minor graphics fixes with blending, also a new image for the back of the cover.
Here is what I made:
Back Cover Front Cover
Hey, I just saved y’all $10 – Enjoy the read.