Lukasz – Algorithm

Wake up, if alarm is working then turn it off, if not then go back to sleep.  If alarm was on nd I turned it off, i then go on my ipad and go through facebook nd other websites to see if anything happen when i was asleep.  Once I browse through, I get up and go to the bathroom.  I brush my teeth and then get dressed.  I leave my house and go to the train.  If I need money I go to the mta machine and put money on card.  If not then i pay my way through to the train.  I go to school and hang out in the crew room and then go to class.

If I had to create some sort of device that would help myself or anyone getting through their day it would be a tracking system for trains that will let people know when to leave.  I know there is probably some like it, but none of them are successful.  By having a tracking system app or something to track trains, it will give riders the appropriatetime to get ready and leave and not cause riders to be late to their destination.

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