Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Tag: WEEK 12 (Page 2 of 2)

Final Project: Part 1


  1. Illustrate and design a movie poster for a film. Preferably a classic film or film older than 10 years.
    First, choose a film from your list or another film.
    Look at films listed on the Criterion Collection website, Rotten Tomatoes, or IMDb for lists of films.
  2. Top Criterion Film Poster Designs for some ideas as well.
  3. Remember your poster can be viewed on a theater wall or it could be used online on a website such as Netflix, Apple Movies, HBO, etc.
  4. Watch the film. You can choose a movie you have already seen of course.
  5. You can do 2 poster designs for extra credit.
  6. Final art will be full color in any medium you choose.
  7. You must include the title of the film and director’s name.
  8. Final Size should be 8″x10″. However you may want to work larger at 16″x 20″ and save down later.
  9. Final poster can have lettering (illustrated type) or typography in the title name or director’s name.
  10. Save one final file version as CMYK and a second as RGB to compare the colors.
  11. Hi res final color version should be printed out for the class critique.

    PART 1
    PITCH due after Thanksgiving on December 2nd.
    Include the following in your pitch:
    1. What is the movie name? Post a previous movie poster design or designs for the film. What do you think is successful or not successful for the design?
    2. Write a brief summary of the film, telling what it’s about. 2-4 sentences.
    3. Make sure to mention any important characters and setting.
    4. Who is the audience for the film?
    5. Jot down a few key words or ideas you want to focus on in your illustrated poster design. These could be descriptive words, words related to the film’s tone. Think word web.
    6. You can start drawing thumbnails. I suggest doing 10-20 thumbnail sketches. Size 2″ x 2.5″ Choose the best two thumbnails and sketch at least two concept sketches. You will present the two concept sketches during the next class.
    1. Post to Openlab>Activities> Final Project: Part 1

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