Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Author: Anchal_Kc (Page 4 of 9)

Assignment 2- Part 2

The article: Kids as young as eight are using social media more than ever, a study finds. 

Article link:,Kids%20as%20Young%20as%208%20Are%20Using%20Social%20Media%20More,in%20the%20four%20years%20prior.

For my thumbnails: the first pic shows a little girl looking at a mirror but seeing herself having a perfect body.

The second pic I wanted was simple but have enough message for both kids and their parents to understand. The sketch shows a little kid playing the game on tv while having a phone on the side as well as Nintendo or another game console.

The third pic shows kids on their phones while their parents are off to work.

The fourth pic shows kids eating fast food which is bad for their health but to them ‘it’s healthy because the slogan says so.

Assignment 2- Part 1

The article that I picked is Kids as young as eight are using social media more than ever, study finds. This article caught my attention as during the peak of the pandemic even I was on my phone and social media a lot more than ever, especially, when TikTok was growing famously. As a person who gets easily influenced by seeing what other people have I have spent an insane amount of money on makeup and perfumes a lot. Not just spending money, people post their ‘get ready with me’ or ‘my health journey’ which shows girls of my age having perfect and really nice bodies than me, and I can’t help but feel jealous because of it. So there won’t be any surprise that younger kids will get influenced by being on social media a lot. The article shows an increase of 17% in screen time than ever on kid’s phones.

Article link:,Kids%20as%20Young%20as%208%20Are%20Using%20Social%20Media%20More,in%20the%20four%20years%20prior.

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