Percantage of all units in the hotel that are occupied at a given time. It is one of the main indexes used in Hotel Management. And considered as the most important factor for a hotelier. Occupancy at the 1 Hotel was around 65% that day.
Average Daily Rate, or just ADR, is another main index in hotel business. The number represents the average income per paid occupied room in a given time period. It is the foundation for property’s financial performance. 1 Hotel had an ADR of about 380$.
Room Block:
A block reservation refers to a group of rooms reserved for a specific customer, usually for a set period of time.
Revenue Management:
Hotel revenue management is about becoming the architect of your own fortune. A hotel room is a perishable product, since the number of hotel rooms is limited. As a result, the customer satisfaction and pricing remain the most important dynamic variables, which are subject to Hotel Revenue Management.
All work and photo credits go to Vasiliy
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