Category Archives: Uncategorized

The five senses and memory.


The five senses are broken down to which one’s the first to ring a bell. Smell is number one and focused on, and the other senses are brought up as well. The sense of smell, however, seems to be the strongest trigger of a memory. Smell is hard to describe, unlike the other senses. You can compare and contrast, but it is hard to pinpoint an exact name of a smell. Smell is able to bring up the earliest memories you can possibly have. Everyone’s had a sense that triggers a memory, but it’s mostly the smells that are probably the most triggered from the other five senses. Taste maybe the second fastest to correlate a memory with.   Here’s a link. I’ve had.


What impact are we having?

One of the controversial issues of our time is the degree and nature of humans’ impact on the environment.  What are your ideas on this?  Let’s take a look specifically at those ice melters we’ve been discussing.  Here’s one article that discusses the topic.  In your comments, explain whether you agree or disagree.  You can also find other articles online that you think might support or refute the ideas in this one; just paste them into your comment and explain how you think they add to this conversation.


Samba Music

       if you not busy tomorrow come to Samba NY Carnival Theme Samba Party I will be Performing with Samba NY at DROM Come out and have fun. it’s all about Samba music and having a great time. Address is 85 Avenue A. the event starts at 6:30pm

Interesting read about breastfeeding

Even though I am not a mother myself nor do I have any children, however, I do have nieces and nephews. After reading this article about newborns and  breastfeeding, I think this article is interesting and informative to share with others. What do you guys think about this reading ?

right or left eye dominant?

Name: Maryam Maryam(Math 1275)

In our psychology class we are learned about the CNS(Central Nervous System). I love psychology. When we were learning about the brain, our Prof. told us that we are left or right eyed, just like we are with the brain. I personally felt it was cool. So I would like to share the technique(to find out if you are left or right eyed) with you. ENJOY!!!!

 Image result for left eyed or right







Courtesy of reddit user ElementK.(photograph)

  • With both eyes open, look through the triangle and center something such as a doorknob in the triangle. like shown in the above picture.
  • Close your left eye. If the object remains in view, you are right eye dominant. If closing your right eye keeps the object in view, you are left eye dominant.”