INSTRUCTOR NAME: Prof. Victoria Medialdea
CHEM 1110– General Chemistry I SECTION D112 – SPRING 2017
Lecture hours/location: FRIDAYS 8:30 AM – 11:35 AM Room N-700
Office hours/location: Tuesdays 10;30 AM – 11:30 AM – Room 617 and by appointment
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the principles of general chemistry. As a first semester course in a two-part series, it provides the concepts of atomic structure, nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical bonding and geometry and types of chemical reactions.
Pre- or co- requisites: MAT 1275, ENG 092R, CHEM 1110L. If you withdraw from the lecture, you must withdraw from the lab and vice versa.
TEXTBOOK options:
The text required is Raymond Chang and Kenneth Goldsby, Chemistry, 12th Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2017
There are several options available:
1) Customized text, available in the bookstore – Volume 1 for CHEM 1110 only (packaged with CONNECT)
2) Customized text can be purchased directly from McGraw-Hill ($124 + shipping)
Volume I, Chang Chemistry, General Chemistry, CHEM 110 with Connect
- Several copies of the course text available at the reserve desk in the library at City Tech
Course specific learning goals
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe the atom and subatomic particles; solve problems relating to the atomic structure.
- Nomenclature: name molecular and ionic compounds; acids and bases.
- Quantify relationships between reactants/products or reactant/reactant from a balanced chemical reaction.
- Understand the relationship between all gas law variables.
- Classify the types of chemical reactions that occur in aqueous solutions as well as understanding the interactions between ions. Predict the products of various chemical reactions, such as acid-base reactions and precipitation reactions.
- Describe an atomic orbital; represent electrons in an atom using orbital diagrams and electron configurations.
- Use the periodic table as a “cheat sheet” to predict periodic trends.
- Understand bonding patterns, draw (Lewis) structures, predict the shape of molecules and hybridization.
General education learning goals:
- Gather information from observation (lab)
- Understand and employ both quantitative and qualitative analysis to describe and solve problems (lecture and lab)
- Communicate in diverse settings and groups, using written, oral, and visual means (lecture, lab and workshops)
Evaluation Methods and Criteria:
Students’ progress will be evaluated through exams, laboratory exercises, and laboratory reports. The final course grade will be based on a weighted average of the grades attained on exams and laboratory performance. The distribution is as follows:
Course Grade: Three exams 45 % (15 % each)
Homework 5 %
Open Lab blog 5% (I will explain this in a different handout)
Cumulative Final exam 20 %
Total lecture: 75 %
Laboratory 25%
Course grades will be assigned as follows:
A 93-100% A- 90-92-9% B+ 87-89.9% B 83-86.9 B- 80-82.9%
C+ 77-79.9% C 70-76.9 D 60-69.9 F 59.9 and below
General Chemistry I Lecture and Exam Schedule (can be subject to change) |
Date | Material | Required reading |
2/3 | Ch 1: Chemistry: The Study of Change
Intro, matter, physical states, chemical and physical properties Measurement, SI units, metric system, mass, volume, temperature, scientific notation, Significant figures, accuracy, precision, dimensional analysis |
p. 6 – 27 |
2/10 | Ch 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Atoms, subatomic particles, atomic #, mass #, isotopes Periodic table, molecules, compounds, ions, chemical formulae Naming compounds/Nomenclature |
p. 38 – 65 |
2/17 – 2/24 | Ch 3: Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions
Atomic mass, Avogadro’s number, molar mass, % composition, empirical and molecular formulae, Chemical reactions, balancing equations, stoichiometry, Limiting reagents, reaction yield |
p. 75 – 104
3/3 | Exam 1 (Ch 1 – 3) | |
3/10 – 3/17 | Ch 4: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Aqueous solutions, electrolytes, solubility, precipitation reactions, Acid/base reactions, concentration, titrations, Oxidation/reduction reactions
p. 118 – 154 |
3/24 | Ch 5: Gases
Gases, pressure, gas laws, ideal gas equation, gas stoichiometry; Kinetic molecular theory of gases |
p. 173 – 210 |
3/31 | Ch 7: Quantum Theory & Electronic Structure of Atoms
Bohr’s theory, motivation for quantum mechanics, Quantum number, atomic orbitals, electron configuration of ground state atoms and ions, Aufbau principle |
p. 277 – 313
(skip 7.1 – 7.4) |
4/7 | Exam 2 (Ch 4, 5, 7) | |
4/21 | Ch 8: Periodic Relationships Among the Elements
atomic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity |
p. 329 – 349
(skip 8.1-8.2 ; 8.6) |
4/28 | Ch 9: Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts
Lewis symbols and structures, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, Electronegativity, polarity of bonds, Octet rule and exceptions, Lewis structures, formal charge, resonance, and exceptional Lewis structures |
p. 370 – 398 |
5/5 | Exam 3 (Ch 8-9) | |
5/12 | Ch 10: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals
Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, electron domain geometry – molecular geometry, valence bond theory; dipole, Hybridization of atomic orbitals; hybridization in molecules with multiple bonds |
p. 414 – 445
(skip 10.6 – 10.8) |
Cumulative Final Exam |
Course Policies:
- Laboratory: The department policy is that failure in the laboratory component will result in failure of the course (even if passing the lecture). If you withdraw from the lecture, you must withdraw from the lab and vice versa.
- The College’s policy on class attendance and lateness is specified on pages 31 of the 2011-2013 College Catalog. A student may be absent without penalty for 10% of the number of scheduled class meetings during the semester as follows: For classes meeting twice a week, that is 3 absences. For a class meeting once a week, that is 1 absence. Attendance is mandatory. Always arrive on time every time.
- Academic Integrity: Each student must pursue his/her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. All violations of academic dishonesty will be handled according to the college’s policies. Additional information regarding the standards of academic integrity can be found at: