What impact are we having?

One of the controversial issues of our time is the degree and nature of humans’ impact on the environment.  What are your ideas on this?  Let’s take a look specifically at those ice melters we’ve been discussing.  Here’s one article that discusses the topic.  In your comments, explain whether you agree or disagree.  You can also find other articles online that you think might support or refute the ideas in this one; just paste them into your comment and explain how you think they add to this conversation.


12 thoughts on “What impact are we having?”

  1. The problem with salt is definitely an issue wort thinking about, conserdring that we toss more than 20 million tons of NACL on our roadways each winter. My biggest concern is how it affect the our habitat. Both terestrial and aquatic habitat.
    There is know dout whether it affect us or not. It does really affect in habitation in all angle.

  2. The problem with salt is definitely an issue wort thinking about, conserdring that we toss more than 20 million tons of NACL on our roadways each winter. My biggest concern is how it affect the our habitat. Both terestrial and aquatic habitat.
    There is know dout whether it affect us or not. It does really affect in habitation in all angle.

  3. I agree that humans are having a big impact on the environment around us. It seems like everyday there are stories about how we are affecting the environment like the dumping of trash into the ocean, the melting of the polar ice caps, and the rising temperatures. I think that we need to take a closer look on how we are affecting our environment. When most people think about the road salt used during snow, we don’t think about where all the salt goes at the end. The salt doesn’t just disappear, but enters our streams, pounds, and groundwater. Although this may not have a huge impact on us, it does affect many of the animals in the environment. The link below describes how road salt can have an impact on vegetation, mammals, aquatic life, and birds.


  4. Sodium chloride is affordable and effective for short-term use in de-icing roads during the winter. However, many people are not aware of the negative long-term effects. According to the article, it is evident that the use of salt for de-icing the roads can have a negative effect on the environment, water supplies, soil and vegetation. In addition it is harmful for humans and animals. While there are many salt alternatives and prevention strategies, there needs to be further research to combat this issue. The following article attached describes other alternatives to salt such as magnesium chloride, calcium chloride and potassium chloride. All of which may be more costly than salt. Cheaper alternatives discussed in both articles include beet juice and cheese brine.

    Why do we still use road salt and what are the alternatives?

  5. Salt is a problem, who didn’t see that coming. We’re constantly utlizing things that we know that are harmful to the environment. We turn a blind eye till it starts getting out of hand. For what? So, we can go to work? Go out with friends? Etc. Personally, I believe that we snow days should be just that. Unless your job is IMPORTANT it shouldn’t be necessary for a worker to come in. Why should McDonald’s be open?? Now if all your workers are within a 20 block radius then hey if it’s not that bad come in. WALK TO WORK. Cars make it convenient to find a job hour(s) away but it should be mandatory that hospitals, police stations, etc. have workers who live in the area (walking distance).
    About two years ago, my cousin was forced to go in to work at foot locker. Knowing that a snow storm was coming and that the trains would no longer be working after at certain time. He lived in Brooklyn and worked in Manhattan… he had to pack an over night bag. The only good thing is that he got time and a half. I really need to know who is buying shoes during a snowstorm? Was it really necessary?

  6. The article was intersting, informative and worth reading. It is true that salt is becoming a problem, and that we need serious actions taken to prevent it from harming us, and the enviornment. All the coments also provide good information and suggestions. I think that we need to reduce the amount of salt that we use on roads, and find perhaps alternatives to the problem. Humans consume alot of water and too much of it can be bad for our health. since in the article it is mentioned as a “toxin”. thanki you for sharing the article with us, it was great information that we all need to know. So thaank you.

  7. The problem is not the salt. The problem is us, we are the one that uses it knowing which are the consequences. No matter, how much people try to fight against all these issues, they never stop. One thing that I know is that one day we will regret all this harm we doing to earth.! Thank you, and have an amazing day.

  8. As human we have to take care of our environment, we have to see the consequences and avoid them. Although Sodium chloride is cheap to buy, people seem to forget that it’s harmful to the enviement, it’s very troubling because one day we will be living in a harmful environment, if we don’t take care of the earth.

  9. while salt may be very beneficial in the present, we also have to consider its long-lasting effects on our environment. one may argue it cancels its benefits with the damage it causes. it destroys roads, corrodes automobiles, hazardous to wildlife, amongst others. we have to do some serious research to find alternative efficient ways that we can melt the ice to make the roads safer with the least amount of side effects.

    1. I disagree with the usage of salt. Although the salt is clearly bad for the environment the government will still use this method of clearing snow because its convenient. The usage of salt will most likely go on for awhile since this issue doesn’t seem to be pressed enough. The government doesn’t mind this method if the streets are cleared so the city can keep working and they can keep pulling in that tax money. There are plenty of ecofriendly alternatives that even we can use. I also feel that the last paragraph of the article was just to make people feel a little more comfortable about the usage of salt. Even if you mix those products with the salt you would still be throwing salt on the streets. I hope future methods wont deteriorate our neighborhoods.

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