Category Archives: LL8-Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation — Darren Parvatan

Coming into this class I was used to taking photo’s with my phone. After the experiences we had in this class though, I was really able to see the true difference in professional photography. I gained much respect than what … Continue reading

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Final Evaluation

I started this class only knowing how to turn my dslr on – to knowing that I can effectively use concepts without thinking twice. I now love to experiment with different angles, types of lighting and even the subject matter. … Continue reading

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LL8 Final Evaluation

Some concepts i have learned this semester were: How to take a photo. i dont mean click a button and wait for the snap to finish. i mean adjusting the iso  figuring out how much light is availabe then raise … Continue reading

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LL8-Final Evaluation

What I learn in the class, I will forever remember for the rest of my life. I actually learn many new things in photography. Ive always been interested in photography and now I know what I can talk about when it … Continue reading

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What i learned – Final LL8

I have learned several things in this class about photography that will definitely be useful during throughout my career. I learned a lot of different styles of photography. I learned how using Camera angles and styles can help with telling … Continue reading

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what I learned

Please list and describe three concepts that you learned in this class. Include how you think knowing these things will help you in the future. I learned a lot about photography in this course that I feel like I have … Continue reading

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Adha’s Final Evaluation

There is no doubt that I have learned a lot in this class; which will actually help me out in the future and improve my designing skills as well as my knowledge in the field, but also have a wide … Continue reading

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Final Evaluation

A few of the concepts I learned in this class have help me improve on the way I take photographs. The First concept is how to use light to create an ambient and help portrait the feeling of the picture. … Continue reading

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LL8 – Final Evaluation

Three concepts I learned this semester are: How to effectively use studio and natural lighting to enhance my photographs. This will be extremely useful as lighting is everything in a photograph, and the amount of light directly impacts the mood, … Continue reading

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LL9-Final Evaluation

Please list and describe three concepts that you learned in this class. Include how you think knowing these things will help you in the future.

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