1121 Unit 3– Optional, but useful

Hey everyone! Thanks for the meeting today– it was quite useful.  I’m really impressed with everything you guys are doing with your classes, especially in light of the circumstances.  Thanks for being so available for your students and for each other.

If you would be so kind as to share your assignment for 1121 Unit 3 as a new post (the category is…”1121 Unit 3″) it would be really useful for everyone else to see. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “1121 Unit 3– Optional, but useful

  1. James Wu

    After a discussion on zoom about multi-modal, I posted on my OpenLab this as the guide for doing the multi-modal project. My goal in communicating the assignment is to keep it simple and direct, with the understanding that open-ended questions will be handled verbally. “What do you mean by x, y, z?”

    Multi-Modal Project for Electronic Display: Due May 6

    This is a second presentation of a previous body of work you’ve done. Of course you will add new “content.”

    It incorporates audio/video/digital/graphics/spatial content.  These are the additional modes of perception.

    It also redirects your presentation of information and understanding and knowledge to a different audience, not the professor.

    The audience could be your peers. The audience could be  the public at large. Or you could address a younger audience, for example, a middle school class. Your audience could be an individual, a friend, a family member. It could be  your family as a whole.  Or a community organization.  Or a group of friends. A discourse community.

    The multi-modal piece could be a set of poems. It could be a photo-essay with captions or narrative or descriptive writing. It could be a video. It could be a written text with a musical soundtrack or with ambient sound. It could be a montage of portraits of people you know with some written or spoken narrative or description.

    Notice, if you want to do something completely analog, like a painting or a hand drawn illustration, or an oral narration, you can document it electronically by digital photography, video, etc.

    Basically, in addition to the written text, it should have a second mode of delivering/communicating the information.

    It should be a “complete” or “finished” work. In this context, you should try to control the final “look” of the piece as an electronic product or a digital object. But you won’t be graded on how “great” it is.

    Instead you’ll be graded on completing it and the following.   Once you’re done, you write a 1000 word artist’s statement or reflection on your activity. How you came to make certain choices. How that changed the message you communicated. What you learned about the subject and your activity as a writer/artist/director/creator/content producer/author. Also reflect  on knowledge and understanding and acquiring knowledge and understanding and how to use it and present it.  Reflect on what you’re goals were in the piece and what you intend to do in the future.

    Some version of the multi-modal piece must be stored on an electronic file and included in your 6000 word portfolio.

    As a starting point, you can use your work on Diaz and discourse community; Hannah-Jones and Wilentz on racism in America and American history; or your reflections on and experience of the corona virus pandemic of 2019-2020.

  2. Nadine Lavi

    For my Unit 3 Project, I made a PowerPoint Presentation for the students, which I emailed them and posted in Content on Blackboard as a file, and which we are reviewing in our Zoom class meetings today.

    I suggested that they make a PowerPoint Presentation and add pictures and music to the text of a previous assignment that they would repurpose for a new audience.

    In the PowerPoint Presentation, I used the Starz series’ Outlander as an example, and in answering the question: Who is your audience? The answer was: Prison inmates. The message: How can you be rehabilitated and find a new dignity post-prison? The examples, from Outlander, were of the main character, Jamie Fraser, in scenes where he demonstrated honor and integrity vs. betrayal by other characters.

    So far, the students have liked that PowerPoint Presentation, which seems simple and easy to them, they said, and they seem to want to make a PowerPoint or a photo essay type of presentation.

    We discussed using texts from Unit 2 (the Secret War Diary or the Greta Thunberg UN Speech on Climate Change) for new audiences as well.

    One student seems to want to use the Secret War Diary with a new message asking students: What is Auschwitz? which is based on a study that found that students were unfamiliar with the name and the history behind it. She wants her new audience to be millenials, and her message to be: We should preserve memory before it dies out, and Never Again. We discussed this in a one-on-one Zoom meeting today, and she had a lot of good ideas about how to use it with photos and ominous music.

    The PowerPoint Presentation seems to have provided some clarity and confidence for the students. To be continued…

  3. Nadine Lavi

    For my Unit 3 Project, I made a PowerPoint Presentation for the students, which I emailed them and posted in Content on Blackboard as a file, and which we are reviewing in our Zoom class meetings today.

    I suggested that they make a PowerPoint Presentation and add pictures and music to the text of a previous assignment that they would repurpose for a new audience.

    In the PowerPoint Presentation, I used the Starz series’ Outlander as an example, and in answering the question: Who is your audience? The answer was: Prison inmates. The message: How can you be rehabilitated and find a new dignity post-prison? The examples, from Outlander, were of the main character, Jamie Fraser, in scenes where he demonstrated honor and integrity vs. betrayal by other characters.

    So far, the students have liked that PowerPoint Presentation, which seems simple and easy to them, they said, and they seem to want to make a PowerPoint or a photo essay type of presentation.

    We discussed using texts from Unit 2 (the Secret War Diary or the Greta Thunberg UN Speech on Climate Change) for new audiences as well.

    One student seems to want to use the Secret War Diary with a new message asking students: What is Auschwitz? which is based on a study that found that students were unfamiliar with the name and the history behind it. She wants her new audience to be millenials, and her message to be: We should preserve memory before it dies out, and Never Again. We discussed this in a one-on-one Zoom meeting today, and she had a lot of good ideas about how to use it with photos and ominous music.

    The PowerPoint Presentation seems to have provided some clarity and confidence for the students. To be continued…

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