homework #5 Walker Evans

I think Evan Clandestine approach to photography was very clever yet sneaky. He had not only an eye for art in photography, he also had an eye to be a spy. He got up close and personal pictures of people that were fully unaware that they were getting their pictures taken. I will also say that he was brave to take such risk and very skilled to not get caught. He was creative to have thought a picture that was off guard would become a success.He also Ā teamed with Helen Levitt who is known for taking daily routine pictures and making perfect art. Other than his skill in taking great pictures in the subway, he also has a lot of great pictures of people that did not have such a great life. He shed light on the lifestyles of families that did not have an easy life. I think one of the most common expression of todays’s riders that are similar to the riders’ expression during depression is that everyone sat or stood on the subway phased out and minding their own business. They looked unbothered and some looked tired or seem like they had a lot to carry on for the day. Not much has changed, everyone has the same attitude today on the subway. On their way to Ā and from their journey or on their way home, everyone is just ready to get off to the next stop. People use either a newspaper, book,gadgets and tablets, or music to keep them occupied as they wait. I am sure if Walker Evan attempts his same approach today there will be no difference in the way the riders’ look.