Homework #1: Photographing Food

My Usual: Tony Clifton pizza at Two Boots

My Usual: Tony Clifton pizza at Two Boots

What do you think of the prevalent practice of taking pictures of food. Read the NYT article “First Camera, Then Fork” on people who take pictures of food and then display them online. Taking pictures of food is so common nowadays that the comedian Adam Sacks produced a spoof commercial when the iPhone 5 was released that highlighted food photography. There are numerous tumblr and flickr groups dedicated to food like the flickr “I Ate This.”

Read the “First Camera, Then Fork” NYT article here.

Watch a parody ad of the “iPhone 5” for Food Photography

Share what you think about taking pictures of food, you may post an image if you wish. Also, don’t forget to tag your post.

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See instructions on how to “post” under “Blogging Guidelines” above.

PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR POSTS BY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2015. Extended to 9/21 due to upcoming holiday closures.