Erdem U. HW #9

After watched the videoclip, I don’t think Robert Frank’s photos are artistic. It includes 83 simple, basic photos. His theme on his work only African and white people. I believe its kind of political. However, i really enjoyed when i was looking his photos. We can understand that how American’s view changed since that time, his photos and his style inspired many photographers. He made his photos beautiful, if you can only understand what his mean. 

Homework #8

First of all, once we look the photo deeply, it is easy to understand that it is not fake or staged. It shows the true loyalty. If people check his left hand is already curved and that means it doesn’t staged. He doesn’t protect himself when he was falling on the ground.  I have seen this photo before therefore, i had a chance to search it on that time. Also after reading the article, I can say the photo possibly the most famous of war photos, and also the photographer Robert Capa got a award with this photo. it is “The Greatest War Photographer in the World”.  I believe the authenticity doesn’t matter here because he was the real witness of Spanish Civil War. Therefore, this photo doesn’t staged like the death of sharpshooter that we had learned about in the class. 

Homework #7

Instagram is the best social media for any kind of advertising. For example, food photography and food photographers are so popular in these days. After reading the Wall Street Journal article, it’s very easy to understand that Instagram is a media portal that people want to make a business in there. However, I am an Instagrammer for almost 4 years. It’s @newyorkerdem I have worked for many companies but the biggest one was, I had an opportunity to work with NYC government for advertising of NYC. Some of my friends who take food photos, they became so much popular, I will give some accounts that you can look their food photos, it is like an art @carissa_burton , @acupofkeen , , @ezgipolat @zynp . These photographers are so talented and they are the best on their job. They usually charge per post like regular Instagrammers. It starts around $150 to goes up to $500 and once they post their images, new people start to follow company’s account and visit the store. Therefore, they do kind of marketing. I hope this would not finish. Otherwise, all these beautiful accounts will disappear.

food food2 food3I

Homework 6

In my personal opinion breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Turkish people spend a lot of time eating breakfast in the morning till afternoon. We believe breakfast gives you the most of your energy and vitamins. Therefore it is so easy to start your day. Every single day I am having my breakfast first then start my day before leaving home. I know every single country; they have different of breakfast dishes. For me we usually eat different kind of cheese, egg, tomato, and olives kind of Mediterranean breakfast. However, in United States people like to eat croissants, bagels kind of easy things. For me these things are not breakfast it is just snacks, and here is how Turkish breakfast looks like.


turkish breakfast