food or coffee? FOOD OF COURSE!

food over coffee


Even though coffee smells great, I have never been a huge fan of it. Some people actually say that coffee has some aromas that stimulate the brain, and give you energy, but I think that it is psychological and that it depends on the individual. I can drink coffee and sleep without any difficulties. Coffee is just not a necessity for me, that’s why i don’t really get it when I see people going insane because they haven’t had any coffee. I’ll choose food over coffee anytime because I can live without drinking coffee for a whole year, but can’t without food. According to the article, the soldiers didn’t really know much about cooking because back in the days, cooking was done by mostly females. The only option they had left was coffee plus, it was during war time so I’m sure that their food resources were pretty scarce.

taking pictures of food by Leyla


Taking picture of food, is one of my daily routines. At first it was just a fun way for me to kill time, and control the portion of food I was eating, but now it became a habit. I do take pictures of most of the food I eat and make, but I can proudly say that I am not obsessed. Some people just take the whole thing to the next level because they don’t know when to stop! I see people posting thousand pictures of food daily, and it makes me want to go like  ” please take it easy…”.Just like Mr. Javier Garcia from the article, I don’t post all the pictures I take online, I keep most of them for my personal record and look at them when I get bored. Due to the increasing number of people posting ridiculous pictures online, Katherine Markovich, published a book called ” AN OPEN LETTER TO PEOPLE WHO TAKE PICTURES OF FOOD WITH INSTAGRAM”, which is basically telling people that just because they consider themselves foodies and take pictures, doesn’t make them an artist. I think that book in a way, is addressed to people who literally take pictures of everywhere without taking into consideration their surroundings.