Color Project

img_4965img_4966This is the project for Grey and Color. For each color near around must have some transition color in order to make it looks comfortable. For example, that cool color which blue, purple and warm color which red, orange should not be put together in one work because they don’t have any transition. Finally, when you make a color work, you should put the same type of color together in order to make everything look perfect.

Black and White Project

img_3159This is a pictorial balance with a focal point for rectangle and it’s achromatic with high value contrast. For each side are look equal, the left and right side are 6Ā 1/2in, from the top is 6 9/32 in.

This is a pictorial balance with a focal point for pattern and it’s achromatic with high value contrast. For each side are look equal, From the left and right are 6 in, and the top is 5 10/16 in. The valuable line is 0.5/32 in.

Essay for Graphic Design Principles I

Ā  Ā  Ā The first day I came to Graphic Design Principles I class, I had no idea what things to do for this major. I remember clearly we were asked to reflect about the goals of this major, and the reason why we chose this. It was important to be clear on what was needed in this class in order to challenge ourselves to become a successful designer.
In every session, we discussed and analyzed ads in magazines. It was great to absorb those successful designer experiences, and study how to use the unlimited resources to attract consumer attention. Even a little detail can make a big difference. We focused on every detail of the product because what designers make, is what consumers see. Finally, as a professional designer, one must make everything perfect in order attract consumer attention to the product. For example, the first project Black and White, was pictorial balance with a focal point. Itā€™s was achromatic with high value contrast. No matter if it is a focal point, perspective, line, pattern or 3-D, it must adhere to ā€œForm Follows Functionā€ in a project.
For the draughtsmanship and proportion of subject we practiced much in order to get a perfect design. Even a 1/32 inch can be make a big difference. One was not to forget the goal of becoming a professional designer. Also, in presentation of the work, one is to be analytical not judgmental. Additionally, one must speak comfortably and make sure to be loud enough to be heard because the person speaking is the focal point. When another person speaks, they are the focal point creating a line of direction. For the same reason, appearance is to be natural so the audience will focus on the presentation. We applied the principles of design to the delivery of our presentation too.
Finally, itā€™s very valuable to get those wonderful experiences as a student designer in Graphic Design Principles I as they are a foundation to what is ahead in school and career.


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