Entry 9: The Online Meeting

This week, we only worked for one day because we got spring break for one day off on Thursday. On Monday, we started to work around 10AM because our supervisor Isana had a busy morning by preparing the video meeting through Google Meet at 2 pm. So we received the instruction a little late, but everything is fine. Today, we needed to make some changes and provideI more options for the IRDA logo and ERA logo. In addition, we need to make sure that the words “Brooklyn College” with the lower case in the long logo, but upper case in the short one for all the ERA, IE and IRDA logos. Additionally, we needed to make “Brooklyn College” to be the same color as the office’s name, “Office of Institutional…” which all the letters should be white. Last time, I provided a lot of different font options for the IE logo, so my supervisor Isana also wanted to see different font options for the ERA and IRDA logos also in order to match with the IE options. Finally, we needed to complete this assignment and uploaded them to the dropbox folder before 1:30, so Isana can upload it for view by the rest of the team during our 2 pm video call meeting.

In addition, Isana did send us a link before the meeting and we also received a calendar invite from this weekend. So, we started the meeting online from 2 PM through 3 PM, and there were totally 13 people in the meeting including me and we all in the same department. Even though some people were the first time to meet such as Angelica Torres, Ying Zhu, etc; but they were all very nice and I think we had a very good conversation in this meeting. But there were also some difficulties from others with not having an internet or desktop at home, so they were using a phone call to join the meeting. But I think we all did a good job for the first time online meeting and everyone tried their own way to work, which is great.