Albano Video Worksheet

Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano


  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

Parser games are text based games with a cursor and no graphics. The player makes a choice on what to do next, and the game responds by showing them what happens based on the choices made.


Choose your path games came in game books that contained a large amount of text with multiple choices. The player/reader would advance to a specific page based on the choice they made.


  1. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of a parser based game would be “Zork I” and A dark room.



  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of a choose your own path game would be “Choose your adventure, The Cave of Time.”


  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

The company Infocom was purchase then later shutdown by the game publisher Activision in 1989. The game form didn’t really die as fans were able to keep the community alive. There was an issue in that with these types of games there were enormous amounts of branching paths. This restricted games from telling short stories.


  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

She explains that poetry is an essential element in that words are provided in short sentences but are powerful. These words are chosen carefully and encourage the player to fill in the blanks. Albano uses With Those We Love Alive by Porpentine as an example.


  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

She says that with mainly text and no graphics, it is impossible to cover every detail. This leaves it up to the player’s interpretation and imagination to fill in the blanks. 


  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity gives the feeling of possession or ownership in the plot. The area in which the fictional story interacts with the player is the primary goal. Actual choices can be presented to the player that would affect the plot.

Build a PC algorithm

Build a Gaming PC Algorithm

  1. Have a budget planned out.
    • What you are willing to spend will dictate the kind of parts you may acquire and the kind of gaming pc you get. If you want to play games on ultra high settings at high resolution and frame rates, you will need a bigger budget.
  2. Research on the web.
    • There are many resources on the web. One website I would recommend is and there are multiple YouTube channels dedicated to picking out parts. What is great about is that it will show if the parts are compatible with each other or not and will have an estimate of how much it would cost. There are also sample builds to view as guides.
  3. Select a CPU.
    • The brands to choose from are AMD and Intel. Depending on the applications you plan on running with your PC and the type of CPU you want. If you want a CPU with integrated graphics, AMD would be a good choice. If you plan on multitasking such as live streaming while gaming a multi-core dedicated CPU such as Intel is a good choice. For gaming a quad-core processor or high is recommended. CPUs can range from $85 to over $1000. Make sure to select one that is within your budget
  4. Selecting a Motherboard.
    • This primarily depends on the CPU that was selected. Make sure the socket number matches the socket that your CPU has. Also make sure that your motherboard is fully compatible with your CPU. Consider the features the motherboard has such as bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
  5. Selecting Memory.
    • Make sure the clock speed on the RAM supports your CPU. For a gaming pc, 12 GB of RAM is recommended with 8 GB at minimum.
  6. Selecting Storage.
    • Generally you can choose to have a hard disk drive ( hard drive or HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). With a hard drive you can acquire larger storage capacity for a relatively low price. SSD’s have no moving parts and run faster at higher reading and writing speeds but will be more expensive. SSD prices are coming down and are becoming more affordable. SSD’s will shorten load times for your games. Consider this when selecting your budget.
  7. Selecting a graphics card.
    • The brands to choose from are AMD and Nvidia. For an entry level gaming pc, it doesn’t matter. For multi-monitor configuration AMD’s eyefinity technology and memory capacity makes an AMD a good choice. Nvidia’s physx allows more particle affects in games that support it. For more special effects and features in games, Nvidia is a good choice.  Also consider any special deals when purchasing a graphics card. Sometimes you can get one or more free games with purchasing certain graphics cards.
  8. Selecting a power supply.
    • Make sure your power supply is 80 plus certified and has a good warranty of at least three years. I would recommend a semi modular or fully modular power supply to make cable management easier when installing your parts into a case. To make sure the power supply has enough power, has a wattage calculator and will show you if the power supply you selected will work with all of the other parts you chose.
  9. Selecting a case.
    • All of your parts need a house to stay in. There are many types of cases to choose from depending on your needs. Generally a mid-tower ATX PC case should work just fine. If you are constantly tinkering with your PC and have enough space, consider a full tower. If you plan on traveling a having LAN parties, consider a mini tower. There are also cases that have sound dampening material for those who want their computers to not make a lot of noise when running. Make sure your case has sufficient air flow for your computer to run nice and cool.
  10. Selecting an operating system.
    • For gaming, Microsoft’s Windows is the definitive choice. Although you can play games on macOS and Linux it is widely agreed upon that to play the latest and greatest games, Windows is a must.
  11. Selecting Peripherals.
    • You need peripherals to interact with your computer! A monitor, mouse and keyboard are necessary. For a monitor or high definition television ( HDTV) get one that has a refresh rate of minimum 60 Hz with 120 Hz recommended. A pair of Speakers is essential for sound if you are getting a monitor but if you choose to use a high definition television it is optional. If you plan on gaming primarily on a keyboard and mouse, it wouldn’t hurt getting a gaming keyboard and a gaming mouse. If you want a console-like experience you can acquire a gamepad and a headset. The Xbox brand controllers are fully compatible with Windows operating systems.

Hobby Algorithm for Makeup

  1. Apply primer on your face as the base for your makeup.
  2. Apply foundation, and smooth out the foundation by using a beauty blender or foundation brush.
  3. Apply concealer on area that concern you such as dark under eyes and acne spots, and blend it with a beauty blender.
  4. Apply foundation power or translucent powder with a powder brush.
  5. Apply eyeshadow starting for the lightest color as the base, then apply in a darker shade as you apply your eyeshadows.
  6. Using a liquid eyeliner create a triangle shape on the outer corner of your upper eyelid, then fill in the triangle. Afterward create dash starting from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the triangle and fill in between the space of the dash.
  7. Apply mascara over your eyelashes.
  8. Set your face with a setting spray.

Albano Assignment

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

Parser interactive fiction game are games without graphics, with chuck of texts and cursors. The players would type in their course of different actions or where they want to explore in the game, and the game will response to what the players will see or what happen next.

Choose your path interactive game are games that have chuck of texts with multiple choice the player can choose from. The choice that the players make will direct them to different pages of the game.

  1. Name an example of a parser game.

Zork: The Great Underground Empire – Part 1 written by Marc Blank, Dave Liebling, Bruce Daniels and Tim Anderson, Published by Infocom in 1980.


  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

Sugarcane Island written by Edward Packer, published in 1976.

The Cave of Time written by Edward Packer, published in 1979.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

Interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s due to competitions.


  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing because when words are the only ways for you to communicate your characters and stories, you want to make the word as powerful as you can. An example that she uses was from “With those who we love alive” by Porpentine.

  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Ambiguity is unavoidable but also necessary because the game does not have the graphics and an infinite space for all the possible texts and details, therefore the players have to fill in that details with their imaginations.

  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important because it can give the players an actual choices and decisions to make the game feel more realistic to the players.

Albano Video Assignment

1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.
Parser interactive fiction games don’t have graphics and have a chunk of text and a cursor and the player types where they wish to go next and the game responds by telling them what they see. A choose your path interactive fiction game is where you change to a page in the book depending on what decision you decide to choose.

2. Name an example of a parser game.
Zork 1

3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.
The Adventures of you on Sugarcane Island by Edward Packard

4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
She said interactive fiction virtually died out because of competitions .

5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?
When words are all you have you spend most of the time to make the words powerful. An example is from With those We Love Alive.

6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?
The player has to fill in some of the details with their imagination. Decide where you want the player to fill in the those gaps.

7. What’s important about complicity?
Defined as a feeling of ownership in the plot. Complicity is part of giving the player actual choices and containing different ways to allow their choices to feel like a real choice.

Hobby Algorithm – NFL Fantasy League

Algorithm: NFL Fantasy League (Football)

Step 1: Gather a group of friends that watch the same sport (In this case, it’s NFL football). You can play with strangers but it’s more fun with friends for trash talking.

Step 2: Choose destination for your own league you will create (Yahoo Sports, ESPN etc.)

Step 3: Decide whether you want the league rules to be either head-to-head or standard points.

Head-to-Head is essentially playing a new team every week and depending on their result of their matchup, a Win, Loss or Draw is recorded.

Standard Points – Total accumulation of points determine the winner.

Step 4: Decide on a Scoring Option (Standard Points is fine for beginners)

Step 5:  Preparation for the Draft: Conduct research on players and team’s based on your knowledge watching the NFL game and determine the list of players you plan on to draft to play for your team.

Step 6: Draft the players that will be on your team for the season. It is typically preferred to draft in the following specific order to ensure a solid balanced team. Running Back, Quarterback, Tight End, Kicker & Defense.

Step 7: Watch the games for both in which your players perform to determine what types of defenses they will excel in to give you the best chance in winning the matchup.

Step 8: Watch players you didn’t draft so see if their performance exceeds a player on your team to allow pickups via free agency (Players who weren’t drafted).

Step 9: Assemble your final team that you believe would you give the highest amount of points to win the matchup.

Step 10: Look out for player injuries and bye-weeks which will lead you to want to pick players up or create the proposal of trades.

Step 11: Rinse and repeat with adjustments of the lineup until the NFL season is over and based on your record, you will be able to win the Fantasy League championships.

Hobby Algorithm

Step 1: Decide on a budget.

(This will give you an idea of how much you are going to pay for a watch and if you can afford one, at the time)

Step 2: Consider the different types of watches you may want to purchase

(Before purchasing a watch, you must know if you want a Digital watch or an Analog watch)

Step 3: Be aware or know movement types

(Movement types are the power sources for the watches. Watches use three basic movement types: battery, quartz, and mechanical)

Step 4: Decide on a style

(You can buy watch styles specifically designed for sports, work, formal events, going out, and casual outfits. Where you are going to be wearing your watch should be the main factor in deciding what style of watch to buy)

Step 5: Choose a Brand

(Keeping your budget in mind, look through the kinds of brands that make watches and decide your favorites. Ex. MK, Guess, Fossil, Casino)

Step 6: Consider the Features

(When you are picking out the ideal watch, you need to know what feature you need and want included on your watch)

Step 7: Decide to either purchase in store or online

(In store go to step 8. Online go to step 10)

Step 8: In store purchase

(When you have found all the elements on a watch that you like, you now need to take the last step, which is to make sure that the watch fits you and suitable to your liking)

Step 9: Buy watch

(Can be paid with Cash, Debit or Credit. Depends on location)

Step 10: Online purchase

(Add item to chart and continue to pay now button)

Step 11: Debit/Credit card

(Fill in card information and billing address to finish purchase. Always look for Promo codes and/or sales!)

Hobby Algorithm – Calligraphy

Step 1. Gather materials that you need to start writing calligraphy.

(Calligraphic writing tool, ink, paper, smooth sturdy surface, seat of comfortable height, and ruler)

Step 2. Choose a pen; brush pen, a fountain or cartridge pen, or a dip pen.

(For beginners, a regular pen could suffice to practice)

Step 3. Choose practice paper

(Because of the ink, choosing the type of paper is essential to prevent ink from seeping through)

Step 4. Make practice lines on your paper with a ruler.

(Creating lines can help you keep consistency when you are practicing)

Step 5. Before writing, understand the letters.

(Understand the baseline, ascending line, waistline, and descending line)

Step 6. Learn and practice a downward stroke.

(One of the two main strokes in calligraphy)

Step 7. Learn and practice the basic curve.

(The second of the two main strokes in calligraphy)

Step 8. Practice other basic strokes.

(Parallel and diagonal lines while keeping the nib at an angle)

Step 9. Now you ready to dip the pen in ink.

(Dip pointed end of nib into ink and hold until ink reaches Âľ up from the tip. Then tap the nib on the rim of ink bottle to shake off lingering ink)

Step 10. Hold the pen horizontally.

(Hold pen against paper horizontally about 30-degree angle. Do not grip the pen too tightly. Make sure to hold pen same way as a normal pen, just at an angle.

Step 11. Write some letters with the dip pen.

Albano Worksheet

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

The choose your path interactive fiction game give the player a scenario with different choices they can pick from that is a much simpler way to explore. The parser interactive fiction game is a text adventure gives the player a big chunk of text and they choose words that turn into actions.

  1. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of parser game is Zork I.

  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of choose your own path game is The Cave of Time.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

Interactive fiction virtually died out the mid-1990s because of the competitions such as the annual IF Comp.

  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing because its quality of pro instead of narrative. It suggests the players to engage the world to fill the blank that can give a powerful description in just a few words. “Those we love alive” is the example she uses.

  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary because it is to be filled by the players imagination. It is used deliberately for the player to wonder and to leave things open so the players can draw their own conclusions.

  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important because it lets the players interact with the story. It gives the players choices and makes them feel like they can do anything but, they can’t. All the choices are open-ended.