Author Archives: Cessi

Lock Up

My game is about a Top Engineer named Dominic. He is an engineer with an impeccable reputation at his firm. High government agents demand his assistance in getting many of their most valuable assets out of numerous prisons. If he doesn’t do what he is being asked his family will be killed. Not knowing who they really are, he risks EVERYTHING to do what they want. He is no longer the person he has set out to be. He has only the impressive knowledge of a top engineer to come up with a plan that can help him find out who is keeping his life hostage and finally get his life back. In the process of finding out who this high government agent is and get back into reality, he must sacrifice whoever is in the way even those who helped him in the first place.

Hobby Algorithm – Calligraphy

Step 1. Gather materials that you need to start writing calligraphy.

(Calligraphic writing tool, ink, paper, smooth sturdy surface, seat of comfortable height, and ruler)

Step 2. Choose a pen; brush pen, a fountain or cartridge pen, or a dip pen.

(For beginners, a regular pen could suffice to practice)

Step 3. Choose practice paper

(Because of the ink, choosing the type of paper is essential to prevent ink from seeping through)

Step 4. Make practice lines on your paper with a ruler.

(Creating lines can help you keep consistency when you are practicing)

Step 5. Before writing, understand the letters.

(Understand the baseline, ascending line, waistline, and descending line)

Step 6. Learn and practice a downward stroke.

(One of the two main strokes in calligraphy)

Step 7. Learn and practice the basic curve.

(The second of the two main strokes in calligraphy)

Step 8. Practice other basic strokes.

(Parallel and diagonal lines while keeping the nib at an angle)

Step 9. Now you ready to dip the pen in ink.

(Dip pointed end of nib into ink and hold until ink reaches Âľ up from the tip. Then tap the nib on the rim of ink bottle to shake off lingering ink)

Step 10. Hold the pen horizontally.

(Hold pen against paper horizontally about 30-degree angle. Do not grip the pen too tightly. Make sure to hold pen same way as a normal pen, just at an angle.

Step 11. Write some letters with the dip pen.

Albano Worksheet

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

The choose your path interactive fiction game give the player a scenario with different choices they can pick from that is a much simpler way to explore. The parser interactive fiction game is a text adventure gives the player a big chunk of text and they choose words that turn into actions.

  1. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of parser game is Zork I.

  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of choose your own path game is The Cave of Time.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

Interactive fiction virtually died out the mid-1990s because of the competitions such as the annual IF Comp.

  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing because its quality of pro instead of narrative. It suggests the players to engage the world to fill the blank that can give a powerful description in just a few words. “Those we love alive” is the example she uses.

  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary because it is to be filled by the players imagination. It is used deliberately for the player to wonder and to leave things open so the players can draw their own conclusions.

  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important because it lets the players interact with the story. It gives the players choices and makes them feel like they can do anything but, they can’t. All the choices are open-ended.