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Utility vs Utopia

This article discusses the different experiences College has to offer. Whether it is solely to prepare you to join the work force and take on a career or if it is to build your soul. While Utility U is an investment where the customer (student) is paying the consumer (university) to prepare them and give them the skills they need Utopia U shows you to find your own answers.
The images should communicate the vast difference between the two. The stuffy and conformed Utility U to the enlightening Utopia U.
For my images I chose to show students in a row solely focused on their computers and not their surroundings and then I shot 2 students deep in conversation on the steps.

Topic 2, The Lower Manhattan Revival

  1. The old Lower Manhattan and the old World Trade Center once was a quiet neighborhood filled with working class people working 9-5. It was considered a “parents” or “grandparents” Lower Manhattan. But now, Lower Manhattan and the World Trade Center is described as having diverse tenants and being a “24 hour, seven-day a week” type of neighborhood now. By rebuilding the World Trade Center, it attracted many different people to move around the area; and now it is probably one of the most attractive parts of Manhattan. It will take New Yorkers some getting used to; people have different opinions about the rebuilding of the World Trade Center. In the article it states that they had to bring commerce back into the city and they had to show their strength but also they will have failed if people forget why they have rebuild it in the first place.
  2. The images in the article are just showing the World Trade Center and the Manhattan skyline. The article is talking about people having different opinions about the rebuilding, why they are rebuilding, and the difference from before and now. The images should be before and after photos, images of people living there, the fire fighters father they spoke about, etc.
  3. In my opinion, before and after photos of how the streets used to be quiet and empty compared to now, when it is more lively “24 hour” neighborhood. The article also described the memories that happened on 9/11, maybe that could’ve been shown as well. I felt like the article tried to connect emotionally to 9/11 but were not successful through the images.

Results:  With my images i tried to emotionally connect people and ground zero. There are also many pictures i did take of people on the street, trying to focus on the diversity of the neighborhood. Also, what represents ground zero; american flag, flowers, people, etc.


What is the Point of College

What is the Point of College? Is it a place where you come to learn such things as Utility U or Utopia U? As I read through the article I got a vision of a young, educated professor trying to distinguish between Utility U and Utopia U by portraying two visions. A vision that is more structure representing Utility U and one that  can’t really exist representing Utopia U.

Idea for Environmental Images:

  1. Someone standing transfixed at an billboard. (Utility U)
  2. Someone standing on in a room surrounded multiple open books.


Results (How it worked out): My partner and I captured some images but after some revision realized that we hadn’t really nail the concept as we should. The images were great but the message was somewhat distorted. Thus, we ended up with a small selection that really speak to what Utility U and Utopia U is really about.

Week 1

  1. Summary
    The article talks about the differences between Utility U and Utopia U in a college setting. Utility U focuses on getting return on your investment, and viewing college as useful. This view is looking at college from a financial viewpoint and looking at how the GDP can increase or how the society can benefit from people going to college. Utopia U, on the other side, is about a concept of perfection, an ideal of going to college for personal growth and to develop critical thinking. Utopia U focuses on college being a safe space without judgement and discrimination.

    2. Communication Problem 
    Utility U is more about developing hard skills while Utopia U is about developing a soul and soft skills and I believe this is what should be communicated in the images.

    3. Image Ideas
    Utility U – Focus on a person doing something practical that would be of financial value, usefulness
    Utopia U – Focus on a person looking fulfilled and having personal growth, looking up towards the sky. Or a person doing something they’re passionate about.

    4. Result
    I believe that the final images capture what I wanted to communicate in the photos. The Utility U photo shows a student working hard on practical, useful skills, while Utopia U portraits the student in a more dream-like state, while drawing – focusing on a passion.

    Links to photos:
    Utopia U
    Utility U

1) Utility U. Vs Utopia U.


  • Summary: The article talks about colleges and universities and how they can be categorized in two sections Utility U. which defines studying and learning technical skill, and Utopia U. which is the exploration of each individual and their characteristics. 
  • Communication Problem: It should be communicated the difference between each concept and how do they relate to the students.
  • Image Ideas: Utility U. can be a student in the library doing homework surrounded by piles of books, and Utopia U can be a student reading a big colorful board that has many typaces and colors and shapes.


David D.

  1. Summary:  Utility U vs Utopia U, the article by Kwame Anthony Appiah explores the duality of our educational system between the bottom line and an individual self growth.
  2. Communication Problem: Describe structured working environment vs a chaotic creative storm a student may be going through.
  3. Image Ideas:  One surrounded by lots of equipment  vs a seldom computer screen
  4. Results: 

Project Briefs

For each topic this semester, you are required to complete a project brief. The first three categories must be completed before shooting any photographs. The last category is to be completed for all the topics in Portfolio One on or before October 17th and by November 21 for all the topics in Portfolio Two.

These are the sections:

  1. Summary:-when working with a text, briefly state the most important points of the article. If an advertising campaign, describe the product.
  2. Communication Problem: What should be communicated by the images that accompany this article or will be used in this campaign?
  3. Image Ideas: List at least two image ideas. You can also include other photographers’ images with credit as examples or sketches.
  4. Results: How did it turn out? What is successful about the final images? What could be improved?

.Create a new post. Select the correct category and paste in:

  1. Summary:
  2. Communication Problem:
  3. Image Ideas:
  4. Results: