COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

What is Design

Without though there is no right or wrong answer to what the definition to design maybe. Many people categorize in their own ways what is important and what is not. For me I see design as a visual creation made to serve curiosity and satisfactory.

The reason why my definition of design is such is due to the subjectivity of design. When you create for the public your work will always be seen within the two subjects, satisfactory and curiosity. The work that you create can have passion, meaning and when seen creates curiosity and buzz. On the other hand someone can see a design and think nothing of it and visually think its a master piece. But the sweet spot is the a combination of both. Design is meant to be visually stunning to the eye and serve a mental intent within viewers of “what does this all mean?” ,”how did they come up with this?”, and “why was this made?”

Both these points in my description of design is how I interpret what the mean of design is. The visual appeal and the thinking process of how and why the design was executed this way.


  1. Gloria Rosario


    I enjoyed reading your post and yes there is no right or wrong answer whit comes to defining Design and even that is the beauty of Design.

  2. Nathalie Quito

    I agree with your idea about design being subjective to the individual. I feel like everyone as a designer is trying to find the best way to communicate their message through graphics. I believe the structure we all do follow are our elements and principles of design, like texture or line etc. If anything, thats the part of design that we can confidently identify. But the result and thinking process is unique to the person.

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