COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Maria Iacono – Introduction

Here is my introduction video you can watch as well as the illustration work I mentioned in the video!


  1. Sadman Hafiz

    Hey Maria, you are very talented. It’s amazing how you can both draw and perfectly execute your work digitally. I can draw but I definitely don’t have your level of skills on digital platforms ;(

  2. Iqra Bhatti

    Hello, Maria!
    I remember you from the design team class.
    And I’ve seen your illustration work before, and I like it a lot. You have a lot of great skills. The illustration is a lovely piece of artwork.

  3. Prof. Matthew C. Lange

    Thanks so much for sharing Maria! I’m so curious to know more about the family dynamic between you and Angela as you make your way through COMD together. For now I’ll note how interesting I find it that your illustrations seem to share a common sensibility, but are also quite distinct from one another. Very cool work!

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