The authors of these readings all have their own values as to what they believe would occur within the future and the affects it would have on art and design. Each unique view points that is interesting to read and fascinating in their own right. Overall the commonality these authors have is the belief that art will evolve in the future with the invention of new forms to present them.

In the future technology will change how people understand and dissect what they see. Many will be fascinated at the idea of how things came to be in terms of the process from idea to execution. Additionally these artist imagine a future where art can be more powerful than imaginable. As we head towards the future and creation of new technology, the three authors understand that they must tread lightly. Before we can proceed to use these form of technologies to create for the world, we must understand what the affects are and how we can use them.

These three artists envision the future of art with the inclusion of technology is to be immersive. After reading these writings ive noticed that the three artists included visually immersive words to describe what they believe is to come in the future. Filtering through these words I can only imagine that they imagine that art in the future will create worlds and visionaries. being able to experience what cannot be expressed through 2 dimensional works of art.