Steven Heller’s “The Underground Mainstream” Heller describes mainstream trends as “Mass marketers steal ideas from visionaries, alter them slightly if at all, then reissues them to the public as new products. This isnt anything new as the idea of repackaging and stealing ideas from no names are so prevalent within the business.
One of the possible designs that I want to discuss is street art graffiti, and I feel as street art graffiti is what I deem to be what I envisioned underground art is. Art that is created by talented people who are name and faceless. The dichotomy of this would have to be murals. Graffiti is a form of street art that we see everywhere in NYC. People tagging and spray painting art on properties. Although this is defacing property, its also amazing to look at. The creativeness and freedom in what is created can be explicit or just creative. Murals on the other hand has a more civil ideology. We tend to see murals of people who are influential on side of buildings in honor of them. Created to express love for those who inspire the world and create differences.
Heading into the future I believe that graffiti will get the recognition it deserves. In the past and present graffiti was seen as reckless and defacement of property, but I believe that people are starting to shift in opinion. We see companies incorporating graffiti within their brands and providing opportunities to arts to create for them. Businesses such as skate shops and clothing company see graffiti as an opportunity to have designs that aren’t tailored to the traditional definition of art.
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