To start off with the first ad that captured my attention on the train are the food ads, but in particular it is the Seamless Campaign. It seems like the idea behind Seamless’ advertisement is more of experimenting new types of food. Whatever that is a different cusine you normally order or different food options in your area, the focal point of diversity in food options is the key.
The 2nd advertisement I saw this week is pet food related, this isn’t the exact ad, but it was very similar. From purchasing some pet related things for my friend’s dog, I get a lot of the pet ads. One of the common trends I noticed in the pet’s industry is the usage of idealism for a pet. You wouldn’t see diversity in dogs or cats. They are portraited as this model pet, but in reality the pets I see normally don’t look as close as a model as the animal are portraited in the ads.
Lastly, this wasn’t an ad, but it was packaging I saw when I went out with a few friends on a Friday, and they went to pick up one of the hair dyes. What stood out for me is the portray of Asian women in this particular usage. The store is an Asian owned business and sells Asian market things, which makes sense that the target audience for the store is selling products targetted at Asians, which in my case is true for my friend that was buying hair products at that store.
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