In conclusion of all the three readings. It is safe to assume that the change is inevitable. Although it may seem like change is slow, it is often going to override the past. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism (1909) is an Italian literature. The purpose is to break free from the past that held Italy for generations and although it’s scary to break from tradition, it is important to move forward as methods are outdated and being out of the comfort zone into the new era is more important to adapt. The biggest symbolism is how the youth, who is the target audience of the reading and the character in the story, shouldn’t be worried about the past and carve out their futures.
Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksei Gan, Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group (c. 1922). Is also very similar in the sense that we should be able to convert the current era to what we want to the fullest. As technology continues to grow, instead of fearing that we are not getting the proper jobs or the proper skills to continue. We should hone on that new technology that is able to provide even more assets into the world. Rejecting the purpose of art is just art, to art that provides meaning. That meaning is something we all value today and it is why art can connect to people who don’t speak the same language.
Lastly is El Lissitzky, Our Book (1926). The purpose of his work is also similar to Rodchenko who is also Russian. Believing that art is more than just art, but has layers of meaning underneath. Challenging the view of the government of the time that wants to unite all artists to work for the government, instead of having their own freedom and ideas. Obviously being able to work for one self is more important to these artists and they are in charge of avant-garde.
Overall, I believe we as a student and as a society today are lacking individualism. Although we are the most connected as ever with technology, the link that is severed is none other than the one that connects them. Medias could be controlled by one company or government. Being able to pick and cherish what is important is something a lot of people lack. Being consumed by the luxury we have received.
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