COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Sadman Hafiz- What is Design?

For me personally, design is something fresh something new, a form of work that makes communication very easy for everyone. Design can be described as a universal language a visual language that can be understood by anyone regardless of what language they speak. The work you see on top is something I created when I was a freshman in college. The task was to create a logo that defines a word, every student worked with different words and my word was “Age”. At first, I thought it would be very easy to come up with a logo that defines age, but when I started, I realized how hard it will be.  When my professor said I must think about being a 5-year-old to a 70-year-old man to create a logo for his word I was very confused and couldn’t think of anything. She also said that the logo must appeal to different generations of individuals, both kids, and older citizens. The first thing I thought of was to create a cartoonish illustrated logo but using the word itself, so it appeals to both generations. I turned the letters a g and e to a cartoonish face of an old person with glasses, cartoon aspect was kept in hopes of reaching out to the younger audience while the old face was to gain attention from older audiences. After a few rejections from the professor, I was finally able to make something that she wanted and something that made both the professor and my classmates very curious. My idea of what design is can be best described through this work, I have created or designed other things throughout the college semesters but I think this is a perfect example to show while answering this question.


  1. Iqra Bhatti

    Sadman, After so many attempts, you’ve come up with a fantastic design. Regarding design, you make some excellent points. I completely agree with what you’ve mentioned about design. You can’t stop writing about the design once you get started. This logo is outstanding. And I completely 
    understand how you struggle with logos 
    when you first start.

  2. Lin Chao Chao

    Sadman I agree with you, designing our logo was easy when we didn’t even start designing. But it’s not easy at all until you start. Your design is beautiful, when I first saw it it was obvious that it was the eyes of the elderly, and the design was cute.

  3. Angela Iacono

    This is a really great logo design and I’m always impressed when someone can create a good and effective logo because that is not my area of expertise. With that being said, it’s really interesting to read about your process and how you designed this piece. It showed that you were constantly problem solving!

  4. Maria Iacono

    Your design is so intricate and i can definitely say that your many attempts of this logo paid off. Its very impressive how you did it and i can see the old man and glasses within the logo! Very impressive design, something i could never do!

  5. Guen Fung

    Logos are so tricky for me, but I honestly feel like you nailed it. There isn’t much going on and even a 7-year-old can tell what it is. The usage of colors and shapes is simple but are very effective.

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