Professor Michals

Midterm Project Statement

The social issue that I decided to discuss is climate change. The effects of climate change can be seen all over the news and social media from wildfires in Australia to record-breaking temps in the Arctic. Recent research paper found that polar bears could be nearly extinct by the end of this century due to the high temps in Antarctica. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.This might seem like a problem for scientists but also people living on this earth. We take advantage of earth cutting down forests and trees to make space for stores and houses. Recently in Arizona a lot of homeowners face a lot of wildfire because of the weak layer in the ozone layer which is caused by chemicals released to the air. According to the article Climate and Environment it states ” From electric cars and buses to zero-carbon producing energy sources, new and emerging technologies along with innovative policy changes, are critical for combating climate change. But to be effective, they must ensure that transport strategies benefit everyone, including the poorest.” A lot of people are trying hard to heal the earth by planting trees and reducing the use of cars and chemicals. As well recycling, eco-friendly light bulbs and using solar energy.  We need to start using less hot water and more cold water for things like dishes and laundry. This generation of people need to change their way of life  to teach the new generation to create a change so that this earth can still exist longer. 


-Daniel Rodriguez 

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Climate change is a topic well worth taking on. We are really seeing the effects including right here in NYC where 13 people died in the flooding caused by Hurricane Ida.

    I suggest you pick one issue within climate change. Either a problem or a solution.

    While I like the idea of using the Hokasi Great Wave, it might be hard. This is not a compositing project but one where I am looking for you to shoot the image.

    Generally, those images that are portraits are easiest to shoot. For example, you mention solutions such as planting trees. I could see a version of American Gothic of a young urban person in a place that is visibly New York with a pitch fork. Hardest part would be finding a pitch fork.

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