Professor Michals

Social Issues-MilanR

An issue that I believe that should get looked upon that doesn’t is the obsession of social media and how it affects our generation. It isn’t all bad but a lot of negativity can stem from social media. Ever since the pandemic and with technological advances there has been a massive incline in its use. Some things that can come from it are depression, bullying, lack of self esteem, health problems etc. Modern day people don’t go out and socialize like they used to because everything can be done on your phone now, social media has caused a lot of people to become lazy and this is a reason for the rise of obesity as social media becomes more and more popular. Some people are even getting surgery because of what they see on Instagram with people photoshopping pictures of themselves because they see that and that becomes the norm of what beauty is because social media says it is, and that’s making a lot of people feel insecure. There are even studies that show 9/10 girls are unhappy with the way they look due to this idealized body image caused by social media. Social media can be addicting to the point it can literally control somebody’s life as some people adopt a fear of missing out which has been proven to cause things like anxiety and depression. I personally don’t think social media is going to be the downfall of the world. But I do think that people should just be more aware of the cons of social media so that we can thrive. Even if it means putting down the phone for a second to take a look outside, we need to be more conscious of the world around us rather than what’s going on in our phones.

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Social Media has a lot of pros and cons. This recent article in the NYT disputes that Instagram is that much worse than the media before it.

    This article suggests that teenagers are more depressed right now not because they look at more social media but because we are living through a pandemic.

    Figure out what you really want to say. Pick one thing that you can state in a sentence. then it should be easy to pick the image that you want to use. Social media is either the cause of depression OR obesity OR negative body image. Or maybe you want to say something positive about it. I don’t think any of us could imagine living without it. I hope on the assignment page you saw that great version of the Son of man by Magritte where instead of the apple the man is holding a phone in front of his face.

    Once you have simplified and clarified your idea, Pick an image to work with. It should be fun.

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