Shooting with strobes, experiment and create some magic with frozen motion.

Shoot at least 20 examples and put them in an album on Flickr. Send the best one to the class group.

In a series of long exposure photographs, use motion blur to tell a story, a ghost story if you will. Contrast something sharp, still and in focus with motion blur to create a narrative or show an inner state or emotion. Shoot at least 20 examples and put them in an album on Flickr. Send the 3 photos that tell your story to the class group.

Technical Requirements

  1. Use a tripod. The camera cannot move during the exposure.

2. Use the timer so that you do not shake the camera.

3. Use the strobes’ modeling light for the exposure. It will be warmer than the flash so if AWB is not cutting it, adjust the WB.

4. Use a long exposure such as 10″ with ISO 100 and a narrow aperture such as f11. This should give you enough time to create the blur you want.

5. You can create multiple exposures by popping the flash during the exposure.