Week 2: Reading Assignment A: These 4 articles go in tandem with our lesson: ideation, how that extends into thumbnails, and the roles of those who would review your thumbnails to give you the job. Know the roles of those who hire you and those who influence them.

Week 2: Reading Assignment B: THIS IS CULTURE

Illustrator John Hendrix’ keynote address to the ICON Conference of Illustrators.

  • What does Hendrix define Illustration as?
  • What does he mean when he calls illustration a “powerful, profound, and unpretentious shaper of our visual lives”?
  • What does he mean by calling Illustrators “lethal cultural chisels” ?
  • Were there there any important take-aways you thought were helpful for yourself or in genral??
  • Be sure to read each other’s observations BEFORE posting your own. Remember… ITS A DISCUSSION. 🙂