2 pts. Work with a shoe. Take a series of photos of that shoe from different angles and with different cropping until you get 20 photos of it that really look different. The goal is to take as wide a range of photos of the shoe as possible. The way to get this wide range is by using different ways to compose and light the shoe. The shoe should be the main element in every photo.
Shot list:
- Long shot
- Medium shot
- Close-up
- Extreme Close-up
Angle of view
- Worm’s-eye view
- Low-angle
- Eye-level
- High angle
- Aerial or Bird’s-eye view
- Oblique angle
Focal Length
- Wide Angle – zoom out
- Telephoto – Zoom in
- Horizontal Line
- Vertical line
- Diagonal line
- Rule of Thirds
- Balanced/Symmetrical
- Off-balance/Asymmetrical
Space and Perspective
- Shallow Space
- Deep Space
Put your 20 best photos of the shoe in an album on Flickr.
Then select the single best photo you took during the lab today. Export as a jpg and Name it with the number I give you such as 02.jpg. Email it to me at:
Inspiration: The Shoes of Our Lost Icons are Still Full of Life

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