Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 DO97

Category: Lab Exercises (Page 4 of 6)

Critique by Lisbeth M. / Jazziah C. work

I really love that he was able to capture the bees sitting on the flowers, it is really hard to do and the depth of field created by the background is really cool, he also used he rule of thirds.
The vibrant color of the flowers make contrast with the dead grass and I like the fact that his focus is on the purple floors rather than the white ones. I also like that he filled the frame with the flowers.
This is my favorite one, it has a romantic feel to it and I love the singular red rose in the middle of the frame. I also like the contrast of the red and green and the amount of exposure he used.

Midterm Critique – Melissa’s Photos

This photograph was one of the best in terms of capturing the natural beauty of a plant. There were many different forms that were achieve within this image such as fill the frame and the use of shallow depth of field. I like how the color green radiates throughout the image.

Some things about this photo is that if fills the frame, has great backlight and also focuses on the subject, the berries, more than what’s being shown in the background.
This photograph highlights the natural beauty of Mother Nature. We are seeing elements of a shallow depth of field which is capturing the beauty of the plants we see in the photograph. The lighting is also well achieved when cast upon the plants.
This photograph is also interesting and one of the best I’ve seen in terms of capturing a wild animal in its habitat. We can see the usage of the rule of thirds which suggests that the subject does not have to be in the center of the image. The lighting is also varied in which we can see that the squirrel, the subject, is in a more dimmer area than the background which has more direct light.

Lab: In-process Midterm Critique

1 pt. Look at your partner’s work to date for the midterm. Select what you think are their 4 best photos. Download small versions of those photos and create a post on Openlab that includes those four photos with at least two sentences describing each one and what makes it a good photo. You must use two of these terms to describe each photo: rule of thirds, diagonal lines, leading lines, pattern, symmetry, figure to ground, contrast of light and dark, a frame within a frame, depth of field, angle of view. 

Category: Midterm Critique

Lab: Week 7 – Global Corrections

Make global adjustments on each of the three examples:

Rename the file with your name and a number and send them to me

Select one photo from the four selected by your group from your midterm project that you think will benefit most from adjustment in Lightroom. Using the Lightroom Workflow detailed on today’s class topics page, adjust your photo.

Make a post and include the before and after versions with a screen shot of the Lightroom settings you used and a short description of how you improved your photo.

Category: Global Corrections

Week 6: Lab – Seasonal Change

Our first visit to the BBG was on the last day of summer. Now, it is three weeks into fall. The assignment is to capture seasonal change. Post a minimum of 30 photos to an album on Flickr and send your best two the class group.

If there is direct sunlight, shoot at least 10 photos in which the shadows are the main subject. Use exposure compensation to make the shadows as dark as they appear to your eye.

In some of the other photos, use shallow depth of field to isolate the subject from the background. Use a fast shutter speed to capture moving water in one of the garden’s fountains.

Use at least one of the following compositional principles in each photo: a frame within a frame, the rule of thirds, diagonals, leading lines, patterns, symmetry, and always think about the figure to ground relationships.

In other words, use everything we have discussed in class to make your photos as visually engaging as possible.

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