Category Archives: Course Activities

Jiang Hailey_Felix

In this poster, Felix builds a strong hierarchy with scale and arrangement. ‘love’ and ‘inks’ are the largest and was placed in the center of this poster which drags viewers’ attentions. All the informational texts are legible in its size and style.

Colors also play a important role here. By using complementary primary colors like green and red, black and white. It creates a high contrast and a lot of visual vibration. Which is visually appealing to the viewers.

Class 24

Class Info

  • Class Date: Thurs. Nov. 19
  • Class Time: 8:30AM-10:00AM


  • Intro to project 3
  • Visual Hierarchy: Giving levels of importance to the difference elements that are part of a design.
  • Examine this PDF with Visual Hierarchy Progression. Every page uses the exact same text, but the hierarchy changes once we start applying different principles (For example a basic change in type size can make a difference in the way the viewer looks at the design)


  • Learn about visual hierarchy and how these design principles can improve or change the way we see and read.
    • space
    • type size
    • spacial zones
    • color/reverse
    • alignment
    • added elements (lines)
    • variations in type (bold)
    • dynamic compositions (diagonals)
    • others


  • Sketch> When sketching consider the following:
    • Use type only 
    • TWO typefaces max. (but with extensive families ok)
    • Black and White
    • Follow the grid
    • Emphasize your visual hierarchy
      • Emphasize contrast with scale (something must be BIG, something must be small)
    • Must consider and apply what was previously covered in class: Type selection and variations, alignment, word and letter spacing, line height, expression, etc.
  • Look at sample below
    • Content:
      • The words: Pet Peeve
      • Definition of the word Peeve
      • Title of your Pet Peeve (different for everybody)
      • Your personal text: One to Three sentences explaining your pet peeve
This example shows sketching on the actual grid. Might be helpful to keep proportion and to think of exact grid placement of elements

To-Do After Class

  • PART 1
  • Complete sketches started during class – upload hierarchy sketches to media library as jpegs
  • Sketch. Here is a PDF with the printed grid. It will help you to determine where and how to place content. As well as to start thinking about typographical style.
  • See Example
  • PART 2
  • Refine you Grid layout upload jpg with visible grids and guides showing

Williams Kayla Felix

This design works best for me because the colors and picture catches my attention and the lettering is easy to read unlike with other posters that caught my attention, but was a bit difficult to read. However, in a way if someone was passing by those other posters and was not in a rush to go anywhere, then they could really stop and try to figure out the other posters. But this one was more easy and still caught my attention.

Hernandez-Garcia Yamileth Felix

I really liked how this design demonstrated more expressive lettering and especially how the poster design brings meaning to the expressive lettering and overall message. The letters are and design fits well with each other showing that the words can’t get out as if it was a maze. There is some sense of hierarchy to this poster design as well.

Type challenge grid 11/17

Upload by time specified during class

Create new
Indesign. file 11×17

Facing pages. ON


Insert 10 pages

You will create
3 master guides pages per demo live.

  1. Golden ratio 11×17 box 0x0 coordinates. Divide width and height by 1.62 snap guides to box edges per demo
  2. Van de Graf cannon as per demo
  3. 9×9 grid page

Place your Pet Peeve text using grid in each layout create 3 layouts
Export as PDF
upload to media library
Be sure to name your file

Last-name first name gold ratio grid-1-2-3

Class 23

Class Info

  • Class Date: Tues. Nov. 17
  • Class Time: 8:30AM-10:00AM


Project 3

  • The typographical grid.
    • A grid is a system of vertical and horizontal guides used for the organization of a layout. Grids are used in graphic and web design.
  • Quick Reference PDF: The Grid

The Typographical Grid Resources

Google Drive Grid


  • Understanding the parts of grid:
    • Margins
    • Columns and rows
    • gutters (vertical and horizontal)
    • modules and spacial zones
  • Students develop understanding of organization in design


To-Do After Class

The Posters:

  • The Typographical Grid poster 1 initial layout with your text
    • 11×17
    • utilizing the grid

Posters must be 11×17 and include the following text:

• Pet Peeve

• definition- a pet peeve as a frequent subject of complaint

• Title of your Pet Peeve •

Your paragraph explaining your pet peeve