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Hw2: Food & Coffee-Civil War

What I found most interesting in the Civil War soldiersā€™ diet was how coffee was a big thing back then as to how it is now. It mentioned how ā€œ… coffee helped fuel their soldiersā€.Ā  And this phrase is stilled … Continue reading

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HW#2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

What i found interesting is the soldier’s diet is consist of a piece of meat, a cup of coffee and hardtack which are large thick crackers. One of the biggest problems during the Civil War was the inexperience men had … Continue reading

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HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

What I found interesting about the Civil Wars Soldiers diet was the Hardtack. It was a hard nutritious piece of cracker that was also called a tooth breaker because of how hard it was to bite into it. Some thing … Continue reading

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HW#2 Food and Coffee during the civil war

What I find the most fascinatingĀ  about the Civil War diet was that coffee played such a huge role in the soldiers everyday. Having it be a myth or not that coffee is indeed a drink that helps wake up … Continue reading

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HW #2

What I found interesting about the soldiers’ diet is the lack of food variety along with the amount of food they had. These soldiers had to go to war and all they had were small amounts of meat, coffee, and … Continue reading

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HW #2 Food & Cofee during the Civil War

What’s most interesting to me about a Civil War soldier’s diet is the hardtack (cracker). I find it very fascinating that the hardtack these soldiers used to eat, even after 150 years have passed, it still looks eatable! This cracker … Continue reading

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HW #2 Food And Coffee During The Civil War Kristen Shaw

The part that I feel interesting about a soldiers diet was their unique food, hardtack. Hardtack is a big, thick cracker. The process was very easy for them, and it only required 3 main ingredients. Hardtack was very fulling for … Continue reading

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HW #2: Food and Coffee During the Civil War

Soldiers during the war had some food issues, or ration problems, where the food wasĀ  meant to last three days while on active duty.Ā  The meat that they had were usually salted pork or fresh beef.Ā  The meat was boiled, … Continue reading

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HW2 Food and Coffee during the Civil War

What I found interesting about the soldiers food during the Civil War was the Hardtack. This is very interesting to look up because it can be preserved to last for many years and it is very simple to make. Some … Continue reading

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Hw#2 Food and Coffee during Civil War

I honestly find the diet for the soldier during the civil war really strange. I say this because if you compare modern-day soldiers vs civil war soldierā€™s diet it will be day and night difference. I understand why soldiers couldnā€™t … Continue reading

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