Category Archives: Student Posts


The opening seen of X-men is very subtle in the way it begins but in essence it creates the foundation of all that is to come. It begins in German concentration camp in Poland in 1944. A young boy, who we later identify as Erik, is with his mother and upon entering the concentration camp, he is separated from her. Attempting to reunite with her, soldiers try to restrain him and while this goes on, he causes the metal gates to bend towards him, as though attracted by a magnetic force. This scene may not involve much physical action but it is crucial in setting the basis for the audience to make note of “mutant powers.” This young Erik is used in this scene to open up to idea that other mutants like him will come into play. In addition, he later becomes an important character that is portrayed as a villain. Even the scene of the Holocaust concentration camp is important in itself because it serves as the reason why Erik is very remorseless and always seeking revenge. The scene is subtle but it kick starts the film for the rest to build up.

Homework #2 Lord of The Rings – Fellowship of The Ring

The opening scene for The Lord of The Rings is so compelling because it introduces the 3 races that are in power of land which are humans(those who wanted more power), elves(those who were immortal, wisest and fairest), and dwarfs(those who were master craftsmen and miners of the mountain). While, introducing the 3 races, it also tells the importance of the rings that were made for each race. The talk starts slow and then slowly gets more intense when they talk about the one ring that was made secretly and how much power that one ring has. The ending of the scene just shows the importance of the ring and why it must be destroyed. The war where humans and elves formed an alliance to destroy the ring was almost lost because of the power of the ring that was made secretly. This scene is just so good that it shows why the ring must be destroyed while trying to get the audience excited slowly.

Homework #2 The Dark Knight

This has got be one of the best opening scenes I have ever laid eyes on, so I just couldn’t resist sharing this with everyone. To think that one of the greatest villains of all time in superhero history can make robbing a bank look so easy, which was all done in about five minutes. The Joker just makes the whole movie start off with a BANG! (Rest in peace to the great Heath Ledger). The Batman is obviously isn’t shown in the opening scene, but from that point I just felt like the rest of the movie doesn’t even need the Batman; just make the movie all about The Joker. But, what is The Batman without The Joker? Nothing. And from that point on you just know that the whole movie will just be filled with a bunch of action-packed ventures. I think that Christopher Nolan, which is one of my favorite directors, did a fabulous job directing this film and doesn’t get as much credit for his fine works. I honestly recommend this movie to everyone, if you haven’t seen it yet, even if you aren’t into superhero movies, it’s way much more than your average “hero versus villain” movie. It’s definitely a must watch.

Homework #2(Diamonds)

I find this opening scene compelling because it sets the mood for the rest of the movie. The Comedian dies in the beginning of the first scene. The Comedian was known as a guy who wasn’t ever upset or sad, but this scene is really dark and gray, everything The Comedian was not. This scene also sticks out to me because The Comedian barely puts up a fight in the end, he realizes that his time has come and accepts it. It’s a really powerful scene and relates to what Bordwell and Thompson discuss in the chapter. It’s an action packed scene that starts off with a fight between two people then leaves the viewers at the edge of their seat to see what happens at the end of the scene and in the rest of the movie. This is one of my favorite opening scenes from a movie.

Homework #1: Introduce Yourself Reply

Hello, I’m Natasha. I am a senior, and this is my last class before graduating. I major in Hospitality Management but I really have a fondness for art, especially for film and photography, which explains my interest in this course. I enjoy an array of genres of film, from comedy, fantasy to film noir. I particularly enjoy watching films in the comfort of my home, as opposed to the movie theaters. Sometimes, I feel that I miss certain elements of a film watching it from a big screen because my eyes cannot simply cover the entire screen at once, whereas, a television or computer screen makes it easier. I also admit to being that person with the habit of rewinding back to certain scenes when I feel I may have caught on to an insightful clue, or a very subtle but important action that may be occuring in the background of a film. Yes, I actually enjoy dissecting apart films for analysis (but not always). I have taken a Films from Literature course, here at City Tech, which I highly reccommend to anyone who enjoys reading/writing and watching movies; however, this will be my first experience learning about the origins of film making. Therefore, I am really looking forward to this course. :)